Introducing our Forwarding Agents: Walt & Bea Mielke

An Urgent Appeal

Dear South African Christan Mission Prayer Partners/Supporters,

I’m writing to you because Steve needs our prayers and support. Every month Steve receives the following monies budgeted for the missionary and mission expenses. 

  • $3,600 Salary
  • $1,430 Mission Expenses 

Since April support has been short of budget by $200 – $500. This month we saw the largest shortage of nearly $800. The reserves are about non-existent as our support generally just covers our budget. 

I’m asking you on behalf of Steve and the Directors (who serve at no cost to the mission) to prayerfully consider supporting the mission. If the mission were to receive an additional $200 per month that would be a real blessing. This works out to an increase of $50 a week for one church or only $25 a week for 2 churches.

An increase of support by $400 per month would really set the mission on a more solid footing. That is a mere $10 a week for 10 churches or individuals.

Steve will be returning next year on furlough and if your small group or congregation would be considering supporting the mission please contact me. If you have any questions you may also contact me anytime at

You may mail contributions directly to Steve’s forwarding agent:

South African Christian Mission
c/o Walt and Bea Mielke
2141 Big Cypress Blvd,
Lakeland, FL 33810-2309

Thank you for your support and prayers,


Mark Vernik
South African Christian Mission


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