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December 2013
“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11)  
Dear (Contact First Name),


Over the last 22 months we have been amazed by God’s wonderful grace and provision.  Each step of the way God is walking with us.  We are extremely humbled that God is allowing us to use this tool of micro-finance to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.  To give you an idea of how things are going, let me share with you an excerpt from an email I received from one of our directors in Uganda:  “Greetings from the entrepreneurs!  They are progressing well.  It has been a learning experience of sharing Christ as we lend money.  The program has softened the hearts of staunch religious (Muslim & traditional religions) women and men to listen to the Gospel.  The program has initially opened up doors for evangelism.”


Pastors in Mozambique taking a break during our training in
micro-finance last December.

As I look back on 2013 I wonder, “Where has the time gone?”  It is hard to believe that 1 year ago, at this time, I was in East Africa spending time developing a partnership with a ministry in Kenya, training pastors and ministry leaders in how to set up a micro-finance organization in Mozambique, and meeting with some of our entrepreneurs in Uganda.  While I sit here in the cold of Indiana, I am reminded of those 100+ degree days in Africa.  As the year has gone by we have been able to move forward in many aspects of our ministry.  Currently we have been able to fund 42 entrepreneurs in their business ventures.  Not one of those would have been funded without our financial partners.


Just as I know the year has flown by for me, I know it has probably flown by for many of our supporters and potential supporters.  During the first part of 2013 I had the opportunity to meet with many individuals and families one-on-one.  I was very encouraged by the number of people who said that they would support our ministry financially.  Unfortunately, the year has gone by fast and very few of them have actually fulfilled that commitment.  I know that they are wonderful Christ followers with great intentions, but they have been sidetracked with the busyness of life and have not fulfilled their commitments yet.  That is OK.  We still have 11 days left in 2013.  There is still time to make a financial contribution before the year is over.  As you are wrapping up your Christmas gift buying, take a moment to visit our website at and wrap up your giving for 2013.  Whether you are able to fulfill the commitment made, exceed it, or can only give part of what has been committed, every dollar will make a difference.  Each and every contribution, large or small, is greatly appreciated.  This year we have received gifts ranging from $5 to $5,000.  Each one of those gifts is needed and each one of those gifts brings joy to our hearts and the hearts of those who are receiving the assistance they need to climb their way out of extreme poverty.  If you are unable to make an online donation, you can mail a check to our offices at Sotiria International / 602 Plainville Dr. / Westfield, IN  46074.  If you are mailing your contribution, please allow time for it to reach us before December 31 so that you are able to receive your tax donation for this year.


In the Name of the One who is the Reason for the Season — Jesus!

Pastor Kurt Berger



“For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given;

and the government shall be upon His shoulder,

and His name shall be called

Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6)  

TheBottomLineThank You!

A Huge THANK YOU goes out to all of those who have supported us during the first 22-months of this ministry.  With your help, we are moving out into new territory and ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a way that has not been done before.  We are Pioneers together in the Kingdom of God.  Together we are making a difference, in this life and in eternity, for those who are trapped in extreme poverty — living on less than $2 per day.  I especially want to thank those who have made SOTIRIA part of your regular giving — whether those are weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly contributions. Knowing that we can count on a donation to arrive at a particular time is a tremendous blessing to us as we plan our ministry.
One of our “Village Banks” in Uganda.  These ladies meet together each week for the purpose of:
1)  Saving Money
2)  Distributing Loans
3)  Receiving Business Training
4)  Studying the Bible



    “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me toPROCLAIM good news to the poor. He has sent me to BIND UP the broken hearted, toPROCLAIM freedom for the captives andrelease fromdarkness 

for the prisoners.” Isaiah 61:1

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Kurt and Pamella Berger
SOTIRIA INTERNATIONAL, Inc., State of Indiana Domestic Nonprofit Corporation,
is a Nonprofit organization and tax exempt under the US government IRS code 501(c)(3).
All donations to SOTIRIA INTERNATIONAL are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.