APRIL 2017
The message this month is longer than normal.   
In order to read the full article, go to:   
This past week I went to a funeral of a gentleman who was my same age.  
While I was sitting there, this phrase from Colossians 4:5 came to mind: 
“Make the most of every opportunity.”   
This brought to mind some thoughts which led to me launching SOTIRIA full-time.
I pray that these thoughts will be a blessing in your life as well.  
1.      Realize Why You Are Where You Are
Max DePree, businessman and author, once said:
“We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.” 
Don’t settle for the same old thing.  Push yourself.  Grow.  
Become something more than you are right now.
According to some, all it takes to become an expert on a subject is to read 3 books, read 5 articles, and write 1 paper on a subject and you will be an expert on that topic.  Others say it requires 10,000 hours working in a particular field.  
Although I don’t like to call myself an expert in the field of microfinance, but according to this criteria, I am.  
What about you?  In what field are you an expert?
2.      Let Go Of What’s Holding You Back
If you don’t face your fears, they will keep growing.
If you don’t face what you perceive to be your inadequacies, they’ll be magnified.
For me, I have been afraid for the last 5 years to trust God’s people to provide the resources that are needed to not only support my family full-time, but to provide all the needed resources for the ministry.  In December 2012 I was in Mozambique when my wife contacted me to let me know that our bank account was overdrawn and we did not have the money for our mortgage.  Since then, I have been afraid to step out in faith, but instead have tried to develop my own business so that I would not have to trust God to provide through His people.  I now realize how foolish that was.  Therefore, I now boldly ask you to partner with us to release people from physical poverty with the method of microfinance and spiritual poverty with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
What about you?  What do you fear?  What is holding you back from what God wants to do through you?
3.      If It Works . . . Do It.  If It Doesn’t Work . . . Try Something New
In Luke 9:62 Jesus says:  “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”
Some folks never seize the moment . . . the opportunity, because of their past – the good, the bad, or the ugly.  
Some never move forward because they are living in the glory days of the past. 
Others never move forward because they are paralyzed by the sin in their past.
If that’s you – the good or the bad, this next Scripture is going make you shout. . .and as Pumba says in The Lion King, “put your behind in your past.”
Philippians 3:13-14 says:  . . .forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
What do you need to put in your past so that you can move forward?  
Are you reliving the glory days?  Are you trapped by the sin in your past?
4.      Good Habits Will Open Doors For New Opportunities
What is a habit?  It is simply something you do so often that it becomes easy.  
In other words, it’s a behavior that you keep repeating.
Negative habits breed negative consequences . . . 
successful habits create positive rewards.
I want you to ponder this question . . . think about it before you answer.
What one good habit would you like to have more than anything else?
5.      Maybe You Need Someone Different In Your Foxhole
Job 12:4 says:  “I am a laughingstock to my friends . . .”
Your friends are either empowering and encouraging you . . . or they’re not.
Jim Rohne used to teach, “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”
Get a sheet of paper and write down the following information about your 5 closest friends.  This exercise will tell you who will be of value in helping you move out of your comfort zone and make the most of every opportunity.
a.    What does this person add to my life?
b.    What’s the greatest negative influence this person has on my life?
c.    What’s the last positive idea, Scripture or thought this person shared with me?
d.    Does this person motivate me to be all I can be in Christ?
If most of your friends would rather stay where they are, then you need to move on down the line . . . you need someone DIFFERENT In Your Foxhole!
Who needs to be replaced in your foxhole?  
Who needs to go and who needs to be added?
6.      Stupid Is As Stupid Does . . . But Wisdom Changes Things
As Benjamin Franklin said, “We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.”
Simply put, ignorance is not knowing the facts or being uninformed.
On the other hand, stupid is knowing the facts but choosing not to do anything with or about that information and insight.
The good news is that there is a cure for ignorance . . . get knowledge. 
Psalm 119:66 says:  “Teach me good judgment and knowledge . . .”
It’s been said that if you don’t like where you are in life, chances are there’s something you don’t know yet.
Here are some questions to help you determine if you are doing what needs to be done in order to gain knowledge.  Just write yes or no in response to each question.
a.    Do you read your Bible on a daily basis?
b.    Do you take notes on what you’ve read?
c.    Does the Holy Spirit bring things to your remembrance as you read
       and/or take notes?
d.    Are you reading a nonfictional book at this time?
e.    Is the book motivational, inspirational or practical?
f.     Are you taking notes as you read this book?
g.    Is the Holy Spirit stirring things in you as you read the book?
If you answered “no” to 2 or more of those questions, you’ll continue to live in mediocrity . . . never experiencing what could have been.
What book do you need to add to your daily reading?
7.      Keep Yourself Motivated With Your Opportunities For Success
What will it take to keep you motivated on your move from mediocrity to success . . . from just getting by to more than enough . . . from average to excellence?        
Are you more motivated by visual images of a goal or dream that you’re seeking to attain or fulfill?  Is there a picture that motivates you?  What is it?
Are you motivated by a person?  Is there someone who motivates you . . . a mentor?  Let them speak the pure, the positive and the powerful from the Word of God into your life.  Find out how and what motivates you.
What motivates you to keep going and make the most of every opportunity?
I pray that this added some value to your life.
Again, if you would like to read the full message, go to:
Thank you for being partners with us in this ministry!
Will you prayerfully consider being one of those who will stand with us to make a difference among the world’s poor in the name of Jesus?
Are you able to support us with a monthly gift of $25, $50, $100, or more?
If you would like to donate online, you can use our crowdfunding page at:
or you can use our PayPal account at https://www.paypal.me/sotiriaint
Pastor Kurt and Pamella Berger
As a thank you for your partnership, we would like to invite you to use our FREE savings club at trunited.com/user/sotiria  Trunited is the 1st not for profit online retailer to combine the buying power of its customers and then return 100% of the profits to their customers.  This is our free gift to you.
In 29 years of ministry I have learned that different people give to different things.
While some people like to support people, others like to support programs.
While some people like to support children, others like to support adults.
While some people give to special projects, others give to the infrastructure.
This month’s focus is on our trip to Uganda.  It is imperative that I get to our 2 projects in Uganda this year. There is additional training which needs to be done and loans which need to be given. A one month stay in Uganda will cost $6,000. This covers everything from the visa & vaccines to the travel (air & local ground transportation), food, and lodging. I have received inside information that the flights will be going up an additional $700 or more in mid May. Therefore, we are needing to raise this money ASAP.  Will you make a donation of any amount (whether it be $5 or $5,000) and then share this with your friends on Facebook?  
In order to make it easy for you to give to this “mission trip” and then share it on Facebook, we have set up a special Facebook donation page at: 
I greatly appreciate your support as we Develop People & Transform Communities!
Other ways that you can help us:
— If you purchase anything with Amazon, use https://smile.amazon.com/ and select Sotiria International.
— If you like sports, join us in the New, Live, Interactive Sports App:  FireFan!  
Use the following link to get the app for FREE:
Because of our sponsors, you are able to play for free and we receive a percentage of the advertising dollars that our sponsors pay for advertising on the app.
— If you would like to travel for less, then use join the Paid2Save Travel Club:  http://nonprofit.paid2save.com/sotiria
Paid2Save offers DEEP discounts (like we just saved you hundreds of dollars on one trip, discounts) to their customers on Resorts, Hotels, Rental Cars, Cruises, Activities, Dining, Entertainment, and more all for $12.95 /mo.
There are hundreds of special days that are recognized around the world for everything from Pizza to World Peace.  There are at least 15 days that emphasize different aspects of our ministry at SOTIRIA.  Each month we will highlight the days for that month that are impacted by our ministry.  For April, the days are . . .
April 7 — World Health Day
April 25 — World Malaria Day
We cannot do this on our own.  It takes a team of people working together (giving, praying, & volunteering) in order to make a difference.  We want to thank our business partners for standing with us in this ministry of Developing People and Transforming Communities.  These are businesses that we recommend.  If you would like to have your business featured in our newsletter, on our website, and in our social media, contact us and we will also show you how we can get you free advertising and a tax deduction.  This month’s featured business is HEROH Chiropractic (drjware.com/) at 10412 Allisonville Rd., #203, Fishers, IN 46038.  Call (317)578-0226 for an appointment.  
SOTIRIA International | (317)605-1984 |  sotiria.international(at)gmail.com |  www.sotiria.org | www.facebook.com/SotiriaInternational/