Sheffler Update
June 2015




Ivory Coast Christian Mission
Equipping Leaders to Train More Leaders
Bob & Connie Sheffler
sponsors of

Christian Leadership Training Institute
Grassroots Leadership Development

Dear Friends and Supporters


     The FAME clinic at Ekori in the Yakurr Local Government District was reopened the end of May. It had been closed due to the unexpected death of the doctor who volunteered his services. The clinic was opened on a weekend with 61 patients diagnosed and treated in two days. Three received operations. The team was made up of one doctor, five nurses, two lab technicians and three assistants. Transportation funds for the doctor are needed in order for the clinic to continue.

     Sunday Obeten recently sent me a detailed report on the twenty churches he works with. The report covers activities, challenges and accomplishments from January through May of this year. Below is a summary of the report:

Thirteen churches reported a total average attendance of about 1,208. Seven churches did not report their attendance, but from my knowledge of those churches I would estimate they have over 1,000 in attendance bringing the total attendance to over 2,200. Eighty-four baptisms and eleven marriages were reported.

     If you wish a copy of his detailed report, send me an email and I will send it to you in PDF file format.



Leaders at New Jerusalem in Afram Plains

    Eric Afful and Stephen Ofori held eight leadership seminars in May. Two were held in the Afram Plains area which is on the west side of the Volta Lake. They focused their training on marriage. Polygamy is a problem among the fisherman with whom the churches work.

     Eric and Stephen then traveled to northeastern Ghana where they held six leadership seminars for churches that mostly work with folk Muslim cultures. Folk Muslims are people groups that have a Muslim background, but also include some animism in their practices. Training was focused on preparing more effective outreach programs to meet the challenges in the region. They dealt with marriage, evangelism, giving and poverty.



     Roujee Morris reports that TEE classes continue in the face of a heavy rainy season. He requests prayer for the elections coming up in November. Elections have been violent and the source of civil wars in the past. Roujee is delighted that Liberia has been declared Ebola free. Liberia is next door to Ivory Coast, but thankfully the disease did not spread to Ivory Coast.



     Connie and I thank God for fifty years of marriage
celebrated on June 12. God has taken us through many challenges and blessed us in many ways. We received over 80 cards from friends in the USA and around the world thanks to our daughter Chris and our grand-daughter Lauren who informed many of you of this special date. Many thanks to those who sent cards. We give God all the glory.



1. Thank God for the growing churches in Nigeria.

2. Thank God that the Clinic in Ekori, Nigeria is open again.

3. Thank God for fifty years of marriage for Bob and Connie.

4. Thank God for the faithful African leaders who challenge their culture to accept the Gospel of hope and salvation through Jesus Christ.

5. Pray that the Clinic in Ekori, Nigeria will have the financial resources and staff to continue.

6. Pray that the election process in Ivory coast will be peaceful.

7. Pray for the African leaders as they challenge their culture to accept and follow Jesus.

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