Sheffler Update

August 2016


Ivory Coast Christian Mission
Equipping Leaders to Train More Leaders
Bob & Connie Sheffler
sponsors of

Christian Leadership Training Institute
Grassroots Leadership Development

Dear Friends and Supporters


     July 24 was men’s day among the Christian Churches in Nigeria. Pictured above are men of the Calabar Christian Church. The men did street evangelism and visited orphanages. 

     Students from Cross River Bible College are on break and are involved in evangelistic efforts in remote villages. Charms that depend on the power of demons are being given up and destroyed. Many are turning to Christ for the answer to their problems.

     Your prayers and financial gifts to help with the conflict over farm land have encouraged many innocent victims. Sunday Obeten and the team he is working with continue to help victims recover from their loses. 

     Sixty-seven people were treated at the FAME clinic in Ekori during the past month. Nine were taken to the Calabar Teaching Hospital for treatment of serious illnesses. Your support of the work in Nigeria is a strong witness for Christ. 


The TEE classes are going well. A new class was started on an Island in the bay where the Abidjan port is located. These islands are mostly inhabited with fishermen who come from Ghana and locals who help sell the fish. Roujee Morris, the Supervisor for TEE in Ivory Coast, is struggling with degenerative disc disease which sometimes makes it difficult for him to walk. 


1. Thank God for the help given by Christians to the innocent victims of the conflict over farm land in Nigeria.

2. Thank God for the faithful College students and Christian workers who are making a difference in Nigeria through their benevolence and evangelistic work. 

3. Pray for the new TEE class near Abidjan, Ivory Coast.

4. Pray for the innocent who are still suffering as a results of the conflict over farm land in Nigeria.

5. Pray for the churches in Ghana as they decide on the type of church government they want.

6. Pray for the payment of the loan that Ivory Coast Christian Mission has taken out this year. We thank God that the amount is now down to $7,000 that is still owed.

7. Pray for the presidential election in Ghana and in the USA. 

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