Sheffler Update
March / April 2016


Ivory Coast Christian Mission
Equipping Leaders to Train More Leaders
Bob & Connie Sheffler
sponsors of

Christian Leadership Training Institute
Grassroots Leadership Development

Dear Friends and Supporters


Sunday & Regina Obeten with their children, Jessica, Esther, Robert and Connie

     The annual Youth Week was held March 14 through 20. The highlight of the week was when the youth visited a prison with 792 inmates for evangelism and preaching. With the help of the prison chaplain, the youth held a worship service and handed out tracts and gifts. Many prisoners indicated their willingness to follow Jesus. For the youth, it was a nice experience that God chose them to bring His Word and love to those who need it the most. 

     The Easter retreat was an outreach program to three communities where churches may be planted. The Jesus film was shown. Twenty-seven people indicated their desire to follow Jesus. Follow up will be done as they prepare to plant new churches. 


     Godfred Mintah is preparing for the coming events of 2016. Beatrice Ofori has scheduled many Women Enrichment Seminars for 2016. 

     Godfred recently had the electric transformer for the Institute compound serviced. This is something that needs to be done every few years to keep it in good condition. The transformer belongs to the Institute. It is our responsibility to pay for the servicing which is expensive but necessary. Replacing it would be very, very expensive. Since we own the transformer, we control who can use it. If it were a public transformer, anyone could use it. It would soon be overloaded and thus destroyed. When it is overloaded, the voltage drops and causes serious problems to your electrical equipment. When it is finally destroyed due to overload, those who are using it are required to replace it and they usually do not have the resources to do so. Thus a community can go without electricity for months and even years because of the problem. We are thankful that an unsolicited grant many years ago provided the transformer for the Institute. 


     Two TEE students graduated after completing five years of extension classes – 15 courses. Eight TEE students received certificates for completing two years of classes – six courses. Graduation ceremonies were held on February 21. 

     You may have heard about the terrorist attack in Ivory Coast in March. They destroyed a hotel in the tourist town of Grand Bassam which is a short distance from the capital, Abidjan. Three friends of Roujee Morris were in the hotel next to the one that was destroyed. We thank God that they escaped without injury. 


1. Thank God that $2,500 has been given to help Daniel Marley replace the seed yams that were destroyed. His loss was about $4,000. 

2. Thank God for the successful visit of the Nigerian youth to a prison for evangelism. 

3. Thank God that $2,500 has been paid back on the loan taken out to cover unexpected expenses in Ghana. 

4. Pray that the remaining loan of $17,000 taken out by Ivory Coast Christian Mission can be paid back soon.

5. Pray that the follow up in Nigeria to their Easter outreach program will result in the establishment of three new churches.

6. Pray for the success of the Women Enrichment seminars in Ghana for 2016,

7. Pray for the national election in the United States of America. We need a president who is honest, humble and a servant leader. 

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