Bonjour from The Shady Family and

French Christian Mission!
Glen and Jessica Shady 


Bonjour! School’s out, pools are open, and summer has officially arrived! Who else is ready for some sun? In addition to the joy of summer, we are excited about the upcoming schedule we have for French Christian Mission.

Before jumping into the exciting happenings for FCM, it is imperative to extend a big “thank you!” to all of our supporters! We have nearly 20% committed support towards our budget of $5,400 per month, and have 40% given or pledged toward our start-up costs of $80,000. That is such an answer to prayer! We are so grateful for all of you.

Looking ahead, we have some really exciting events happening this summer…

  1. We have the pleasure of being the Vacation Bible School missionaries for the Western Hills Church of Christ in Cincinnati, OH, from June 6-10. This is our first VBS in a missionary capacity, and we are excited to share with all of the kids about France! During the week, the kids and the church have taken on the challenge of raising $2000 to fund Elizabeth, Hannah, and Maddie’s plane tickets for December.
  2. We’re moving! Starting in July, we are going to prepare for France and connect with supporters of FCM with full-time efforts until we leave on December 30. Moving to Bluffton, IN, and living with Glen’s parents will allow us the opportunity to pursue our goals fully. This is also a blessing as it gives us more time to downsize and sell all of those things that we cannot take to France with us.
  3. Lake James School of Missions in Angola, IN is coming up in July. Glen has been asked to be one of the evening speakers, so we are excited to have another opportunity to share with such a wonderful audience about the needs and spiritual conditions of France.

Please be praying for these events and for the people who will be hearing us share about France and the great spiritual need that exists!

~ Glen and Jessica ~




French Christian Mission

1509 Parlor City Dr.

BlufftonIN  46714

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Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. ~ Proverbs 3:5-6 

Confie-toi en l’Eternel de tout ton cœur, et ne t’appuie pas sur ta sagesse; Reconnais-le dans toutes tes voies, et il aplanira tes sentiers. ~ Proverbes 3:5-6

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Interested in supporting French Christian Mission? You can mail payment to 1509 Parlor City Drive, Bluffton, IN, 46714 or by clicking the Donate button powered by PayPal on our website

All donations made to French Christian Mission (FCM) are tax-deductible. FCM is a US non-profit religious organization under IRS section 501(c)3 and registered in the state of Indiana. 


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