serving the next generation

Darwyn, Lifeline’s Director of Schools in Honduras, shares this exciting update about former students of Lifeline’s schools who are now serving the next generation of students!



former students who have become teachers at Lifeline's schools in Honduras
Ladies (left to right): Ena Deras, 
Jazmin Deras, Thammy Lilibeth Sierra, 
and Karen Reyes
Gentlemen (left to right):Selvin Aquino, Guillermo Pineda, and Héctor Valenzuela




I want to share with you the result of what God is doing through Lifeline during many years.  All these people (see photo) were in our Christian schools as students, some of them even starting in first grade.  Now they are teachers at Lifeline’s Christian schools, serving the next generation.  One day they were students; today they are teachers in Lifeline’s schools.


God is good… we can see the harvest and the fruits of what God is doing through Lifeline.  God changed these lives through education, and now they have a better opportunity.


I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to you, Lifeline’s volunteers, donors, sponsors, and everyone who is involved. Thanks for helping our Honduran children.  Through your sponsorship, many lives are changed!




Lifeline Christian Mission   ||   Restoring hope among the nations 

Haiti | Honduras | El Salvador | Cuba | Panama | Guatemala | Navajo Nation | Canada | USA



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