Mission Services

 Numbers to remember




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September 17, 2013
I want to begin this brief email by thanking you for your interest in world missions! There is a wide array of people who receive these updates from Mission Services, but we all share a common devotion to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. 
Now, I am sure everyone has wondered why the above numbers are mentioned. These are shared today, because two significant milestones have been reached by the missions network.  When the Board and Staff of Mission Services began the planning of this new network, we had no idea we would be where we are.  Just a few days ago, I shared an email with a friend who helped guide in the initial setup of the software behind the scenes on the network.  Neither of us knew if this venture would succeed or fail.  We all believed God could use this for good, and the effort was worthwhile. God certainly has used this for His glory!
Let’s begin with the second number.  Since the beginning of August 2013, the missions network has been accessed MORE than 11,000 times each day by people from more than 100 nations.  Our major emphasis for this network has been to promote world missions.  God has indeed done that, but many more opportunities have been added.  The list of nations from which our visitors originate is fascinating.  What God is doing in these places and through the lives of our visitors is know only to Him.  We only know that His word never returns to Him void!  We are humbled by this opportunity, and we dream of what God has planned for the future.
The first number 1,036 will be of particular interest to some.  We are happy to report that we now have 1,036 years of mission history available for reading and/or download on the missions network!  If you are a professor of missions, the network has an incredible, growing base of historical documents for students to encounter history.  I believe that we can only understand the history of mission activity by getting to know those involved.  This growing base of information has already been accessed nearly 20,000 times!  If you know people training for a life of service across cultural barriers, introduce them to this reservoir of information!
Finally, allow me to thank you for being interested in the work of Mission Services. We would never have the opportunity to serve as we do now, without the many years of faithful service of our founders, those who preceded the current staff in service here, and those who have supported the work through finance and prayer for 67+ years.
Be sure to read HORIZONS magazine online and visit the missions network to learn the latest world mission news.