Mission Services

Mission Services’ September 2012  


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  September 25, 2012

Things have been incredibly busy for everyone at Mission Services since our last report!  For that we are grateful.  God has given this ministry an unique role in the world of missions, and we are blessed to continue serving missionaries, ministries, congregations and individuals in our 66th year of ministry.

Almost 17 years ago, a former college classmate asked if it was time for Mission Services to cease operations.  His question was based on the belief that newsletters and printing services we offered were virtually obsolete.  When I came to MSA as the Executive Director, email was a nice thing but it was far from being a dominant means of communication.  Cell phones were still the size of a small brick.  The World Wide Web was just taking off and some people thought “the Blackboard” of the Internet would continue to be more functional.  People accessed the Internet by dial up modems, services like AOL & Compuserve, and a large percentage of homes did not have computers.

Compare that to the world through which we now communicate (or try to communicate).  Cell phones are now SmartPhones.  We use them to send text messages, make movies,  access our email accounts (many people have more than one), listen to radio stations broadcasting via the Internet, watch video and even more.  It seems people cannot drive a car without also being on a call to someone somewhere in the world!  The Internet “BlackBoard” has disappeared, and people are addicted to “the web.”  Nearly one third of those under the age of 35 watch “television” via the Internet through services like Hulu, Roku, and NetFlix rather than by cable…and Compuserve does not even exist.  Email is so popular that spammers flood our inboxes and there are all sorts of seminars to attend where we can learn exactly when we should send an email!

In spite of all our ability to send communication via email, text messages, Facebook, Twitter, tumblr and more, the wise missionary and ministry leader will not abandon print!  I was recently talking with one Forwarding Agent who asked why their communication with supporters had suffered.  They failed to realize that less than 25% of the emails we send are ever opened and less than that are read.  Sure, we should use email.  It is cost effective and fast (I believe in it…I am using it now).  However, if we rely upon it solely, we will find that some people lose touch with the work we do!

God has blessed Mission Services to be able to help missionaries and ministry leaders communicate BOTH in print and electronically.  In the difficult economic conditions that linger, the publishing work we can provide without profit and subsidized in cost (the donations you provide make that possible) is more valuable than ever.  Just since July, we have provided these services for works in Zimbabwe, South Africa, the United States, Indonesia, Thailand, Poland, Japan, Hong Kong, Honduras, Australia, Mexico and more.  In many of these nations, we have served multiple ministries.  We have had the opportunity to assist individual missionaries, missionary teams, Bible Colleges, disaster relief ministries, conventions, conferences, and other mission organizations with publishing projects.  God continues to use the printing and publishing work of Mission Services is a great way.

As you may know, the missions network continues to grow, because electronic communication is vitally important to both missionaries and those who support the cause of the Great Commission.  We have more than 250,000 individuals who connect with the missions network regularly.  The “average” person watches something on this innovative Internet Broadcasting Network more than three times each month, and 25%+ of those spend an hour or more each time watching and reading news from around the world.  So far in September, more than 200 of the video and audio communications we have from missionaries and ministries have been DOWNLOADED and those will be watched (or heard) over and over again countless times about which we will never know.  In the past 12 months people have tuned into the missions network more than 1.5 MILLION times. More people have watched the main sessions of the 2011 National Missionary Convention than attended it in Atlanta! Many of them will attend the ICOM this year, and those who cannot will be able to watch it all around the world!  God has blessed this new communication tool, and we have no idea where He will lead us next! 

Thank you so much for your interest in Mission Services.  Without your financial and prayerful support, we would not be able to do any of this.  We are truly an extension of your vision and desire for the Kingdom of God.  Please continue to pray for us that we may follow every leading of God, and serve His Kingdom as He sees fit.