August header
SLO Project

One in twelve Americans lives in California. While 18th Century Spanish missions may dot the landscape, nearly one-third of the people in the state are "nones" – men and women who have no religious affiliation whatsoever. Because new churches are one of the most effective ways to reach new people with the gospel of Jesus, there is a need for church planting here!

Orchard Group’s work in California began with MISSION CHURCH in Ventura. Mission has become a recognizable presence in its city, baptizing over 500 people since their launch. This fall, Mission will move into a new space to facilitate growth. Mission is also helping to launch a new church in Santa Barbara – MISSION CITY CHURCH.

In northern California, REDEMPTION CHURCH in San Francisco recently marked their 5th anniversary. BAY CITY CHURCH, led by Eddie Williams, will celebrate its launch this September. Both Redemption and Bay City are vibrant multi-ethnic churches reaching diverse groups in one of the most challenging cities for church planting.

Orchard Group helped to launch COLLECTIVE CHURCH on the west side of Los Angeles. Committed to building community in a competitive city, Collective Church reaches a young, creative demographic. They recently moved into a new worship venue that will be a location where they can grow and easily welcome newcomers to the church.


Brent and Jema Bramer have relocated to SAN LUIS OBISPO to prepare to launch a new church. San Luis Obispo is an influential city of college students, business owners, young families, and retirees. Brent will serve as the Church Planter in Residence at Mission City Church while he prepares to lead the project in San Luis Obispo (SLO).

SLO Project

Brent shares, "We want to see a church that believes in people, that equips individuals to grow in relationship with one another and with the Lord, and one that’s for the good of the city through actis of justice, compassion and community engagement. It’s our hope that San Luis Obispo and the surrounding areas will flourish because of the work of the SLO Project!"

These six new churches will extend along the coastline from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Together, they point towards spiritual renewal among the people of California. God is doing a new work along the California coastline!


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