Thank you for your prayers!
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Current Prayer Needs and praises:

This week we began many new things which will become a part of our routine here in Loches!

  • Ophelia has started school, just in the mornings, 4 days a week. Pray that she makes new friends, which she is very excited to do, and continues being a happy, healthy little girl.
  • We began our studies with our tutors. We have a firm language level that we need to meet by the end of the school year, so we must continue to work hard and keep learning. Pray for understanding and patience.
  • We are beginning to take on tasks at the church. Greg is preparing to be a part of the leadership team and Nikki is now a part of the education team. We’ve been given teaching assignments which will begin soon. Pray that we will be able to effectively communicate what we know, especially since we will be teaching in French.
  • We are beginning our Life Transition/Growth Groups (think VERY small group Bible study). Pray for everyone involved in one at the church and also for those who are not.
  • A car has been found for us, at a cost we can afford, between donations and the money we will receive back from the totalled car. Praise God for this and pray that the paperwork will be processed quickly so that we can buy the car, which is now being held for us at a friend’s garage.
  • Pray for our health as we jump into new challenging things. The times when any of us has felt unwell, overstressed or overtired have been even more taxing than before. Nikki is hoping to get wisdom teeth pulled soon that have been causing problems, so we will “get” to learn new French vocabulary and figure out how to use our French healthcare.
  • We’re getting to know our team members and it’s been very encouraging. Praise God for the people He has drawn together for this work and pray we will continue in a spirit of unity.
  • Continue to pray for us to find more supporters. We are getting close to our monthly goal (only $450 more). We’re continually grateful for those who are making financial sacrifices on our behalf and try to keep that in mind as we go about the work God has given us to do.

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. It means more than you may know!

God bless,
Greg & Nikki

Please feel free to share this with others who pray.