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Les Champs de France

The Fields of France

Well received

Oct 06, 2015 10:48 am

About 2 months ago we were in a small car accident. Quickly we moved to have the car ‘totaled’ and moved on to find a new car.
Quickly we moved.
It feels like it’s been about 769 days since we made that trip and had the accident in Lyon. Since then we’ve played a waiting game (the blame goes all around, government agencies, circumstances, my own (Greg’s) errors). 
Yesterday we received the last bit of paperwork to be able to move ahead with getting the reimbursement check from the insurance and purchase our car. 
A while ago we asked you to help. We had some money to go toward the new car (from insurance) but were short quite a bit (about 2000 Euros). So we did it. We asked you, “Help us fund this personal project.” So to recap without you, this is what our new car looked like…


Slightly faded and half there. Surprisingly, half a car can be good for many endeavors:
1) It cuts down on arguments
2) Tolls are cheaper
3) It helps to settle a crying baby
4) It starts conversations ‘Hey, half a car huh…you must have a lot of faith to drive like that..’ ‘ACTUALLY sir or madame, have you ever heard of Jesus?’
But realistically, half a car is…well, not useable. With you though, we turned that half a car into this…


Yes, we asked and you came through. You showed faith and aided us and the Kingdom here. It’s shiny and nice. Now, realistically there are a few more issues… 
1) This car is paper. It’s not the actual car. The real car, a Citroen Picasso, has been purchased for us here in France and 2) is awaiting (you guessed it) some paperwork and insurance to be put in our name. 
In actuality the car is all but ours. We can’t wait to have a real picture of the car with us in it to show you. We are humbled not just by you but also by the many people here in France who aided us when, frankly, we had no idea what to do. 
So THANK YOU ALL for making this demi-car problem a whole car solution. We are blessed. 

A Quick Update on what we are up to:
Nikki taught her first session on Hermeneutics at the church this past Sunday and will finish the class this Sunday. 
Greg and Nikki will attend and help with a preaching intensive next week, a part of the CFRi in Loches. 
Greg will attend an orientation for France Mission on the 22nd of this month in Paris and our family will attend another event like this for Kontaktmission (in Germany) in November. 
We’ve been continuing our tutoring 4 days a week and Ophelia is continuing her 4 day a week schooling at a local preschool. 
Greg is scheduled to preach for the first time in December and will help with Kids Club (3-7 year olds) at church starting in November. 
Our team continues to meet to get to know each other as we continue our move toward launching a new campus in Descartes, France.

Thanks again for all of your prayers, letters, notes, cheddar cheese (yes, that happened), salsa (that happened also) and love. We miss you, but love working for the same big God together.

Until next time.


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