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Les Champs de France

The Fields of France

Prayer Update

Aug 24, 2016 05:50 am


  • Greg called the adjoint who oversees buildings owned by the city and YES we can use the building previously promised by the Mayor, no problem.
  • Our time with Alex McCormick was very good and we all learned some things. Even better, he has a clearer idea of what he would like to pursue in the near future in France and the next steps that he needs to take.
  • Our teammate Becki found a job, at least for the month of August, a time when it is difficult to find a job.
  • We, as a team, have felt warmly welcomed in our new homes, especially by some of our neighbors. 

Prayer requests:

  • We can call the mayor’s office back in September to fix a date for us to receive keys to the building. We are hopeful that it will be as soon as possible, so that we can begin cleaning, painting, and making our space ready.
  • We’ll need to come up with a list of needs for our new building almost immediately after “moving in”, so that we will have a maximum amount of time to get things ready for launch date.
  • We have prayfully set the date of October 15 as the inauguration of the new church location in Descartes. This is the event that we invite the mayor, the adjoints (town officials), the priests, our neighbors, everyone (!) to. The following day we will host the first church service.
  • We are about to begin searching for funding for the new church, as well as funds to purchase items for the building.
  • Our teammate Manu is still searching for a part-time job and his wife Becki may or may not get to keep her current job.
  • Our newest teammate Laura is still raising enough support to come join us in Descartes.
  • We will be hosting housewarming parties (Manu & Becki, the 3rd September; us, the 10th September) and we will be inviting our neighbors as well as some other folks. Pray that we continue to build good relationships with our neighbors!

A big thank you to all of you who pray with and for us! We are very aware that God has already been at work here in Descartes. There have been a few people already who have expressed gratitude that our team has moved in to open a church and others who have at least said that they are glad that we will be bringing something positive into the city. 
– Nikki

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