January 4 2014

Dear fellow laborers in Jesus the Christ’s harvest field, greetings from Pereira!

Colombian End Of Year Festivities
December is a busy month here in Colombia.  It is a time in which families celebrate together, although far too many have no idea why they are celebrating.  They take the many festivities in December and January as an opportunity to drink, dance and party but often have no idea of the significance of the dates set aside as holidays.  December starts off early with “las velitas” (the little candles)  as the celebration of the Virgin Mary’s reputed immaculate conception is called by many in our area. This is a time in which Colombians light candles and place them inside paper lanterns in front of their homes and places of business.  People get caught up in the fun – but when asked why they often only say “Because it is our custom.”  The next big date is December 24, Christmas Eve.  This is a bigger event than the actual holiday, December 25, for most Colombians.  They gather at the family matriarch’s home and have a midnight dinner.  The 24th is the culmination of the Novena, the nine days preceding Christmas, in which families and neighbors gather together to recite the rosary.  These gatherings are often times of hilarity, sharing of typical dishes and gift giving to the children who participate.  The big dinner on the 24th is a special time and causes much conflict as people argue over which family’s matriarch will have the pleasure of their attendance.  The “solution”  is often that couples split up for the night as each goes to their own mother’s home.

Other Problems Folks Face
The end of the year is a big time of temptation for most Colombians.  The desire to “estrenar” (have brand new clothes, cars, houses, gadgets, etc) is strong in this culture.  The vast majority of stores in the main business section of Pereira, for example, are dedicated to the selling of name brand clothing. Colombia’s laws are such that each employee receives an extra month’s salary each December.  This money is often spent before it is received, too often as down payments on debts to purchase new clothing and other items that depreciate  well before the debt is paid.  This culture of debt keeps many families in poverty and causes untold suffering as families struggle to meet their bills and put food on the table.

Victory in Christ
We rejoice at the opportunities that we have had to help people overcome these traps.  Each person that learns to renew their way of thinking as Romans 12:1-2 commands us is a person that can personally testify to others about the impact of the Gospel message on their own life.  This in turn helps others to turn away from the damaging conformity of the world that is so destructive of those for whom Christ died but who live in slavery to the passions of materialism.

Christmas Season Kickoff
The season kickoff for the church in Pereira happened on Sunday, December 1.  A record number attended for a day of thanksgiving and remembrance of the reason there IS a season to celebrate the coming of Jesus the Christ.  Following our usual Sunday meeting we had a special meal with roast turkey and pork.

Family Time
Because our leaders are growing stronger and are able to help more in the ministry, Sheri and I were able to take off a few days to spend time with her parents and siblings in Medellin.  What a joy to see the results of her mother’s recent knee replacement. She is recovering quite well and is moving about much better than prior to the surgery.  We traveled over on the 23rd and were around until the 27thwhen we continued our journey to Ibagué where we first ministered on arrival in Colombia.

The Gospel Changes Lives
We moved into our new home in Ibagué in January of 1996. About that time I spent a lot of time visiting a drug addict who had an electronic repair shop near the church building, a few blocks from where we lived.  Soon he went off drugs “cold turkey” and gave his life to Christ.  He was baptized that summer.  Several years later his older daughter spent a few months at our home.  She’d been heading down the wrong path and we were given the opportunity to help her get turned around.  During her stay with us she gave her life to Christ and was baptized. Soon after we heard that she had a new boyfriend, and then we learned that she had chosen well and that he was a Christian.  During our visit to Ibagué in December we were blessed to participate in their wedding and to see two young people start their married life off right. Time after time both the parents and the bride and groom thanked us for making the effort to help them over the years and to be there for this joyous event.

Ministry In Our Old “Stomping Grounds”
When Gerson, the current preacher in Ibagué, heard that we were staying the weekend there he asked me to preach on Sunday. It was the first chance to preach there since we moved to Barranquilla fourteen years ago.  The message was from John 4 and Romans 12 on true worship. It was well received by those in attendance.  We also had the opportunity to encourage several individuals and families during our “vacation” in Medellin and Ibagué and to witness and evangelize as well.  What a blessing it was to be allowed this privilege of visiting, fellowshipping, preaching, encouraging, evangelizing and serving in diverse ways!

Thank you
Thank you all who, through your generous support and prayers, made it possible for us to live and work here in Pereira during 2013.  We look forward to the Lord’s blessing as we continue the work He has set before us here in 2014.  May this coming year be one of much blessing as you serve Him in your own corner of His harvest field.

In Christ,

Paul and Sheri Moreland
