RHM Cross-Cultural Prayer, Praises & Petitions

Chinese To Christ Ministry (C2C)
IBCC China – Wing Wong

I will appreciate your prayers for my China mission trip from June 28th – July 27th. I will be traveling into Hong Kong, Guangdong, Sichuan and Guizhou.


  • Our Chinese missionary couple in Guizhou are doing a great job setting up the meeting place, making friends in the community, and getting new friends to be interested in Jesus! We relocated them from Beijing in May. Praise the Lord that they have made great progress just in two months! They are now having eight families interested in Christ. I will meet with them on this trip for evaluation and planning.


  • We are going to have two weeks of camps in Sichuan, one week for junior high and high school age and another week for elementary age. Praise the Lord that now we have all the teachers in place! Please pray for the best outcome during these coming days at camp! Also pray that the Lord will protect us from government interference!


  • Besides the missionary ministries in China, we also became more and more involved in the local Chinese ministry in Manchester, NH. Wing is leading a disciple training and a Cantonese small group. Recently, the Lord has put in Wing’s heart to reach out to the Chinese students in Southern New Hampshire University. There are over 170 Chinese students in the university. We are planning to have a great gathering on campus in December for the Chinese students. Please pray for our preparation and may the Lord supply all our needs including many Christian helpers!

Person of the Month: Queenie Tse

Queenie works in Manchester as a full-time interpreter for Language Line Solution. She also works part-time for our ministry mainly in finance and translation. She has been a great blessing to our ministry with her dedication and education background. She studied in England for six years and earned her bachelor and master degree in business administration. She then returned to Hong Kong and worked in the field of marketing where she met her American husband. They married in 2006 and came to Manchester shorty after their marriage. After she moved, her mother-in-law saw that she was lonely without any Chinese friends so she persuaded her to attend the Chinese church to meet people. Thank God that she had not only found Chinese friends, she also found Jesus as her everlasting friend! She was baptized into Christ in 2010. They have an eight-year-old boy. Her husband, however, is not a believer. Having moved in with another woman, he recently filed for divorce. This has broken Queenie’s heart. She is now learning to lean on Jesus for guidance and comfort. She has been praying that she will have the full custody of her son so she can continue to raise him to know Jesus. She does not want her son to be treated poorly or influenced by her ex-husband’s immorality. She will appreciate very much if you would pray for her and her son Paul! Thank you for praying!

Manchester Chinese Christian Church
Brandy Lee – Manchester, NH


  • Some elderly in our church, Mother Cheng, Mother Hsu, and Uncle Su have been sick. Please uplift them in prayers. Also pray for their family to have peace in mind and strength to take good care of them.


  • Our youth minister Andrew Fross is going to get married on July 2nd. Please pray for God’s blessing upon this new page in life and for a fresh vision for reaching the Chinese students at SNHU.


  • Shan Shan Wang is from China, a mother with two sons, and a student in SNHU. She  joined our church a couple years ago with her family. Recently, Shan Shan has started to have a personal Bible study with Brandy and expressed interest in becoming a Christian! Please pray that God will keep on working in her heart.


  • Pray for the effective expansion of outreach ministries with older people, adolescents, and college-aged students in the region.

New Life Cambodian Christian Church
Rinn Sim – Lowell, MA

  •  Please pray for Rinn’s brother, Run, and his wife, Thina, to humble themselves before Jesus Christ and become part of our church family. They have been asking questions about Jesus. Pray for Rinn to have wisdom and strength as he talks with them about Buddha and Jesus.


  • Thank God for some men who are stepping up to be ministry leaders in the church. We have been so encouraged to see our leaders being taught how to serve more effectively. Ask God for wisdom and insight as we train these men so that they may continue to grow spiritually. Pray also that God will continue to raise up more leaders.


  • Pray for our church outreach as we work to share Christ by loving others. Please pray for the spread of the Good News during school vacation this summer. The Cambodian people love to gather in the park during warm weather and this provides us with many opportunities for conversation, friendship, and sharing our faith in Jesus.


  • The Lord knows exactly what we need in His time. It’s such a joy to see how God gives our church team a love for the Khmer in Lowell. Please pray for more people to have joy and a desire to help others in their faith.

New Hampshire Korean Christian Church
Eunho Moon – Bedford, NH 


  • Please pray for those who are sick. Jeongsook Ju has an unknown illness from her travels in Peru. Seongja Jeong has had continual nerve pain and it’s getting worse.


  • Pray for our Resident Minister Andrew Fross and his fiancé Lauren, who will be married on July 2nd. Ask God to provide wisdom and strength as he follows through on plans to reach the youth and young adults cross-culturally.


  • Please pray for Ji Park and his wife Hanna Kim who long to have a child.


  • Pray for our ministry with the Korean people as we seek God’s guidance in our outreach with reaching more Korean families in our area.

Oasis Christian Church Liberian
Christic Marblow & Peter Sarmie – Providence, RI


  • Thank God that five people have made decisions to be baptized into Christ!! We are making plans and coordinating schedules to baptize them this week or next. We may join NorthPointe Christian Church for worship and join in their baptismal celebration on July 9th.


  • Thank God for the 10 people who participated in a seminar last month on how to have formal and informal conversations about Jesus that are biblically-based. This workshop was led by Bob Miller of RHM.


  • Thank God for a renewed sense of unity and urgency in reaching out to people in downtown Providence.


  • Ask God to provide the best place for us to connect with our community and to take full advantage of the space we have now.


  • Many of those attending our church continue to seek employment or better employment. Pray that God will provide this work and a spirit of thankful stewardship.


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