September 2015


Hong Kong Christian Mission

IBCC China- Wing Wong


  • Wing has just landed in Hong Kong and will be spending his time overseas visiting the Chinese churches.
  • He will be gone for six weeks preaching and teaching in seven provinces of China as well as in Hong Kong. Please pray for him and his safety as he serves abroad.
  • Pray for Chinese people to come to the Lord and discover the awesome powerful love of Jesus Christ!


Manchester Chinese Christian Church

Brandy Lee- Manchester, NH


  • Please pray for the development of our new and established small groups.
  • Pray that the new discipleship course will produce more and better leaders from our church to serve in the ministry. Four individuals have already signed up to begin this training.
  • Pray for workers in the children and the youth ministry. We long for these areas to grow this year, but trained volunteers are the key!
  • Pray for wisdom as the leaders direct the congregation to focus on caring for others and sharing the Gospel.


New Life Cambodian Christian Church

Rinn Sim- Lowell, MA


  • Pray for Chan Mao, a young man who recently expressed interest in Christ, but has not been returning Rinn’s phone calls.
  • Pray for the church members who will be attending an outreach and leadership training in Rhode Island this weekend. May God use this event to encourage outreach and participation in the ministry.
  • Thank God for a joyful worship experience and picnic with other congregations who meet in the same building as we do.  Fliers were distributed inviting the neighborhood to come. About 20 new people attended.
  • Pray for new volunteers to help enhance our church.


New Hampshire Korean Christian Church

Eunho Moon & Kei Eun Chang- Bedford, NH


  • Pray for our church members to be united in one heart and purpose for God’s mission.
  • Pray for everyone to welcome new families and to share in the mission.
  • Pray for Eunho Moon to continue to have wise, courageous and bold preaching/leadership, empowered by God’s Spirit as he begins his tenure as Senior Minister of the church. Continue to pray for our church’s steady transition and support of his leadership.
  • Pray for Minister Moon’s wife, Myoung Hui, as she is still searching for a good job to help provide for their family while allowing the freedom to assist with the church.
  • Pray for our Resident Minister, Andrew Fross, and the youth and young adults with whom he works. Pray for the students as they are being challenged this school year to make God the center of their lives.
  • Pray for those students beginning college that God will empower them through the challenging transitions.
  • Pray for effective outreach to young adults and college students this fall.
  • Pray for the continual development and multiplication of our small groups and their leaders.
  • Pray for our internal discipleship growth to be exercised outside amongst the communities in our area.
  • Please continue to pray for the family of Dr. Lee as they negotiate two housing payments, here and Baltimore, while searching for a job.
  • Dr. Kei Eun Chang and his family have arrived in Korea. Pray for Dr. Chang’s ministry as he continues teaching at Korea’s Seoul Christian National University. Pray for their adjustment to living again in Korea.


Oasis Christian Church (Liberian)

Christic Marblow- Providence, RI


  • Thank God for the generosity of Rinn Sim and the New Life Cambodian Christian Church. They donated good, used sound equipment and musical instruments essential to enhancing our worship experience. Pray that God will use these tools to assist us in making disciples who make disciples.
  • Thank God for guiding us to two possible worship locations. Negotiations continue to secure the best space for reaching the community for Christ. Pray for wisdom in selecting the best location and for excitement in using it to reach the unchurched.
  • Continue to pray for the evangelism team’s effectiveness in reaching the lost.
  • Pray for the encouragement and energy of the ministers as they continue working full-time jobs while trying to effectively lead the church.
  • Praise God for Genevieve and Leroy who have joined the church and found jobs.
  • We are thankful for 3 visitors from the Kouka family.
  • Continue to pray for growth in the Bible study and prayer groups.

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
