September 2014

NorthPointe Christian Church


Please pray for Karen who started attending NorthPointe. She told me she decided to watch The Bible miniseries on TV and it made her question what she believes. She found NorthPointe online and has attended the last two weeks. Karen told me that she’s the most surprised person to find herself in church, but that she’s enjoying learning more. We are going through a series right now called “The Basics” so she’s learning the essentials of what we believe. Pray that the Spirit will open Karen’s heart to know the truth of God’s Word and Jesus as her Savior.


Please pray for Victor who also recently started attending NorthPointe. Victor grew up Catholic, but stopped going to church many years ago. His wife recently left him and he’s searching for answers. A friend of Victor’s that attends NorthPointe invited him to church and he came last weekend for the first time. Please pray for Victor as he goes through his divorce and that his faith in God will re-engage as he attends NorthPointe.


Please pray for Sheena who started attending NorthPointe at the beginning of the summer and has already gotten plugged in to serving and to a community group. Sheena’s husband refuses to attend with her, but she is excited about being a part of NorthPointe and wants to come to everything we do. Please pray for Sheena to make a decision for Christ and for her husband’s heart to be opened to the Gospel.

SouthPointe Christian Church


Pray for Jameson Sherer, a 22-year-old with a very broken family background, who has come to church a couple times over the last two months. He is very cautious about church and does not like large groups of people. Pray that SouthPointe is able to show Jameson what belonging to God’s family is like.


Pray for Ben Gardner, a young man around 30-years-old. He is a recovering drug addict and alcoholic who says he wants a relationship with God but church scares him. Pray that God would use the people at SouthPointe who have struggled with similar issues to minister to him.


Pray for a student named Alex, who comes with a friend to SouthPointe. He is not sure how he feels about Jesus or where he stands with making a commitment to Him. Pray that his friends are able to show him what a life lived with God looks like.

BridgePointe Christian Church


George and Dawn came to BridgePointe at the beginning of the summer. At the same time, their daughter Maddie, and her friend, Ashley, have been coming consistently to worship and Student Group. All four of them are at different stages of becoming open to the Gospel. Please pray for each of them to place their faith in Jesus and respond with baptism.


Our (Cowgur’s) daughter started kindergarten this week. Already, it has provided us with many new relationships in our community with parents, teachers, and school administration. Please pray that we may make disciples of Jesus through these relationships.


BridgePointe’s Back to School Fair has resulted in many people checking out the church for the first time. Please pray that these new connections will result in people who are open to the Gospel.

OceanPointe Christian Church


Due to an increase in attendance and the size of our children’s ministry, we will be moving to two morning services in addition to our Late Church option on Sunday, September 21, and we ask for prayer in this time of transition. Please pray for more people to step up and work alongside our team to make sure that others can worship unhindered by anything that could distract from what God is doing.


We ask that you join us in prayer for the large outreach events we are planning to facilitate in Newport County. For Halloween, we will be setting up games and concessions at several homes on the island in order to meet people where they are and get a chance to show our love for this community. In December we will be putting together Christmas fruit bouquets to give to individuals we’ve connected with, and OceanPointe will also be celebrating Christmas Eve at a home in Newport. Please pray that the planning and preparation for these events runs smoothly and ultimately brings people closer in relationships with Jesus.


Please be praying that God will raise up more followers who will join our staff in making disciples who make disciples. We want to leave a mark on this area for the Kingdom, and we realize the best way to do that is through personal relationships that challenge people to grow closer and closer to Jesus Christ.

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
