September 2016






Hong Kong Christian Mission

IBCC China- Wing Wong

  • Thank God for the good turn out and godly results for the Week of Missions in Camp Winema in Oregon! I was one of the five missionary speakers. Over 500 people attended and more than 10 had answered God’s call to go and make disciples for our Lord Jesus Christ! The Bible study was uplifting and the fellowship was heavenly! I even reunited with people that I haven’t seen for over forty years!
  • Our IBCC (Interactive Bible Correspondence Course) annual retreat is going to be held in Jiangxi again on September 30-October 4. A team of four people from the Bible Christian Church in Garden City, KS will help us lead the camp. They will share with our churches in Beijing, Sichuan and Jiujiang before coming to our retreat. Please pray for their visa applications, preparation, and safe travel! Some of our church leaders and Bible students will travel a long distance and many hours on crowded trains. Please pray for their travel mercies as well! 
  • The Nomad (National Outreach with Media And Discipleship) training camp will be led by GNPI (Good News Production International) in Hong Kong from October 17- 24. We are preparing to train 5 Nomad teams in 5 provinces in China. After many problems, we finally secured a camp site in Hong Kong for the training–thank God! Please pray for the GNPI trainers and our students! Pray that God will assign more partners to help us prepare more workers for the harvest in China!
  • Please continue to pray for Stacy and Fangfang as they prepare to attend Boise Bible College! Stacy was turned down twice for her visa application by the American consulate in China. Now she’s trying to come to school in Spring 2017. Fangfang still needs to get the required TOEFL score. She is working on her English. Please also pray that God will lead more good people to me for ministry continuation and development!
  • Two of our three book projects are now behind schedule. Please pray for our team to work in a disciplined and effective manner.
  • We are working on a name change for Hong Kong Christian Mission because the name is no longer matching the scope of our mission. I didn’t realize that this process is much more complicated than changing my Wong Wing to Wing Wong. After two months we are still in the middle of the work of name searches, logo design, and securing a domain name to register with the government. Thank God that Hannah is helping me to do most of the research! In the end, we will save thousands of dollars by doing the work in-house rather than hiring a firm to do this for us. Please pray that we will get this done before I head for China on September 15! We welcome any advice you may have for us in this!



Manchester Chinese Christian Church

Brandy Lee – Manchester, NH

  • Sister Jenny Cheung passed away unexpectedly last month. Please pray for her family, especially for her children, Erica, Helen, and Alex that they will recover from this loss. Thank God that Alex, her teenage son, has continued to participate with the church.
  • Thank God for a personal Bible study Brandy had with Lily who has trouble in marriage. Please pray that the Lord will open her mind to know Him and will help her to overcome the marriage difficulty.
  • The children’s ministry needs more teachers or helpers. Please pray that the congregation will respond to this need.
  • Pray for our Young Adult Bible Study Group for Chinese students. Pray for Andrew’s ministry as he builds relationships with them and teaches them the gospel of Jesus. Pray for the continued growth of the young adult community and for increased trust in those seeking to lead them.
  • Pray for the Lord to give us wisdom and guidance in our evangelism this Fall.




New Life Cambodian Christian Church

Rinn Sim – Lowell, MA

  • Please pray for wisdom as we create a new plan with our Khmer teams. Although we have been working for so many years, pray for encouragement and creative ways to build relationships for Christ. Pray for our leaders and members to use their spiritual gifts to overcome the obstacles to evangelism.
  • Thank God for the spiritual growth we have seen in some of our leaders from the church. We have been so encouraged to hear and see our leaders grow in making disciples. Praise God for them and others in the ministry who are reaching out to the community sharing the love of Christ.
  • Please pray that God will continue to raise up more leaders in our church for His mission.
  • Please pray for wisdom for our team as we follow up with people from the “Southeast Asian Water Festival” which was held on August 20th, 2016. Pray for us to continually spread the good news during events this Fall.




New Hampshire Korean Christian Church

Eunho Moon – Bedford, NH

  • Please continue to pray for the growing faith of the Yong Lee family. Pray that they will be able to attend worship more often.
  • Please pray for our church members whose spouses who have not made a decision to follow the Lord. Many of them do not believe and others don’t attend church. Pray that they will accept the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for Dr. Kei Eun Chang as he and his family serve in Korea. Pray for his teaching at the Seoul Christian University. His son John has returned to the USA and is attending University of Massachusetts. Please pray for the Chang family.
  • Please pray for the many students from New Hampshire Korean Christian Church who are starting college this month. Pray for Jiwon, Jihun, Amanda, Eunice, Janice, Christine, and other college age students who are returning to the campus. Pray that they will have a strong foundation in their faith and will be ambassadors for Christ on the college campuses.
  • Pray for our Young Adult Bible Study group and for our outreach as the next school year begins. Pray for CK who has moved to Springfield, MA for a ten-month internship. Please continue to pray for his brother CI who’s been at Army boot camp.
  • Pray for our Resident Minister Andrew Fross and his ministry with our young people. The Youth group has gotten smaller since Jiwon and Amanda left for college. Pray that we can have effective outreach among the youth.
  • Pray for Jong Hyun Park and his wife, Yu Won Oh. They are a new Korean couple who’ve started attending our church. Please pray for them to have a strong connection with our church family.
  • Please pray for Young ju Roh who’s a Korean woman studying at Southern New Hampshire University. Since fellowship with Christians was not part of her life in Korea, pray for our church family to build a friendship with her and share the gospel.
  • Please pray for more families to adopt children through our Compassion Ministry. We have eight children sponsored and are praying for more families to join.



Oasis Christian Church (Liberian)

Christic Marblow- Providence, RI

  • Halloween is around the corner and we don’t want the children of South Providence to be in the street asking for candies. Pray for our alternative: “The Hallelujah Night.” We want to use the occasion to share the gospel and reach out. Pray that The Lord will provide all we need (tracts, candies, finger food, etc …). Pray for people to be willing to donate and to have meaningful conversations with those who attend.

  • Pray for our church leaders to be strengthened by The Lord. Pray for wisdom, discernment, and insight to carry out the vision of Christ’s mission.

  • Pray for salvation of all the residents of building 669 Elmwood (where the church meets) who don’t know the Lord Jesus. Pray for us as we preach the gospel in our neighborhoods that those interactions will have meaningful impact.

  • Pray for salvation of the homeless.

  • Pray for individual revival for every member of Oasis Christian Church. May God light our hearts on fire for so that the inhabitants of Providence, RI may experience the transforming power of the Gospel.
  • Pray for growth of our members and of the church.
  • Pray for flexible work schedules and for financial provisions for our members.




Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
