Prayer Pointes Oct 2016






RESTORE Christian Church


Gordon has been part of our Restore family for a year now.  In his life, he has lost many people that he’s close with, including one of his sons.  A close friend of his recently died unexpectedly and he is really struggling.  Please pray that Gordon will experience God’s peace and feel His presence.


Please pray for Jay.  Jay hasn’t chosen to follow Jesus, but has been attending Restore recently.  Pray that Jay will realize his need for Jesus, and respond accordingly.  Also, pray that his relationships with people at Restore will grow stronger.


On October 16th, we had a day of celebration at Restore.  This day marks one year of ministry in Quincy!  Many people at Restore invited others to this special occasion.  Pray that people’s hearts will be softened and that they will respond positively to the invitations each week to join us at Restore.  Also praise God that 104 people from Quincy attended the birthday celebration on October 16!

NorthPointe Christian Church


Please pray for Pat who has been attending NorthPointe with a friend for the last few months. Recently, Pat found out that cancer which had been in remission has returned. She’s been given 12 months to live with aggressive treatment or 2-3 months without. Please pray for Pat as she struggles through the weight of this news and that this will be a catalyst that leads her to make a decision to trust Jesus for her salvation. 


Please pray for Janet who is our main contact at the YMCA. Over the last couple of years, we’ve been able to develop a great relationship with Janet and her team. A few weeks ago, I was meeting with her about an event coming up and had the chance to pray with her in her office. Please pray that the Lord breaks down barriers in Janet’s heart so she may come to know Him. 


Please pray for Adam, who is married to a lady who’s been attending NorthPointe for the last several months. Adam is agnostic towards faith. He is caught in the belief of moral relativism, so he doesn’t mind his wife coming to church and being excited about Jesus again, he just doesn’t want any part of it and doesn’t see the need for it, either. Please pray for Adam to find faith in Jesus through the community that his wife is a part of and pray for open doors for him to interact with more and more NorthPointe’ers!

SouthPointe Christian Church


Mike was not raised in church and has come from a background of addiction to painkillers. He has a lot of instability in his life.  He doesn’t have consistent employment.  He has a rocky relationship with the mother of his four-year-old son, and he lives in a very rough neighborhood. But, he is so incredibly hungry for the Gospel. Pray for the Gospel to break through each of these areas in Mike’s life.


Emilie is a single, twenty-something mother of three. She works hard just to keep her head above water. She came to faith a year and a half ago through the witness of her recently deceased aunt. Then she faced some major life obstacles. Even though we reached out to her, we didn’t see her for months. BUT, she just came back!!! Pray for God to give her perseverance and persistence. 


Brooke came to Christ at SouthPointe, but her boyfriend James has not joined her. Though he was raised in church, he has trouble attending since his return from Afghanistan. He also has had several physical issues this year. Pray for James to heal physically and to come back to God.

OceanPointe Christian Church


Please pray for Andre. Andre has been attending our Starting Point group and has been wrestling with whether or not he believes in God. He’s made some huge steps and it’s exciting to witness. Pray that we would be able to help him walk closer to Jesus. 


Pray for our body as we mourn the loss of James. James was baptized during our Pentecost Sunday baptism celebration. We didn’t know that he was sick and his death has come as a shock to those of us who knew him.


Please pray for children’s workers. Our classes have continued to be at or even over capacity. Our kids’ numbers are growing but it’s been hard to maintain enough teachers and workers. We have some amazing opportunities to impact the lives of families. We just need more servant hearts to do so.

BridgePointe Christian Church


Kevin and John are men who started attending BridgePointe’s services during the summer. God worked in each of their lives to create curiosity and compel them to rediscover a relationship with Jesus. They were both baptized in August. And they both are praying that God will perform the same miracle of salvation in the hearts of their wives. Please pray that Kevin and John will be spiritual leaders within their families and pray that their wives will see so much of Jesus that they will be compelled to follow Him, too. 


Three BridgePointe staff families are expecting babies this month. One has already arrived healthy and happy. Please pray that all three babies come through a safe and healthy delivery and that God provides the peace, energy and strength that these busy young families will need as they balance life, ministry, marriage, and family. Praise God for the gift of new life!


Please pray for Pheonix. She comes out of a troubled childhood and is carrying deep spiritual and emotional wounds. She came to BridgePointe this fall in search of hope, peace, and healing. We haven’t see her the last couple weeks. Please pray that she will reconnect with the church, find hope in Jesus, and grow to experience the full healing power of our great and merciful God. 

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
