Prayer Pointes – October 2015 




Robb is a producer for a radio show in Boston.  Last week he was leaving his doctor’s office, looked over and saw our logo on the door to RESTORE’s office.  Robb has been actively looking for a church for his family (wife and 4 kids), but has been unable to find one remotely close to where they live.  He was ecstatic that RESTORE is starting and is looking forward to being a part of RESTORE. Pray that his passion will translate into active involvement.


Bill is a cashier at Home Depot.  He has been inconsistent in attending his church over the years.  He struggles with loneliness and truly desires to have some good friends.  Pray for Bill that he would find solid friendships through RESTORE.


Lynn and her husband are Christians but have struggled with feeling alone in their faith and have been unable to find a church that believes in, and teaches, biblical truth.  Pray they find a spiritual home at RESTORE. 

NorthPointe Christian Church


Please pray for Karla. Karla is a young, single mother of a 4-year-old who recently moved to Rhode Island from Puerto Rico. Her daughter is enrolled in a Head Start where Sandi, one of our members, works. Sandi has been able to develop a relationship with this young woman and is helping her get her feet on the ground. Through our benevolence ministry, NorthPointe was able to buy Karla and her daughter beds and other furniture, as well as provide some other household needs. Please pray that Karla will know God’s love for her through Sandi and NorthPointe.


Please pray for Amaya. Amaya started attending NorthPointe Students on Sunday night with a friend. On her first night she asked Justin, our Family Life Minister, “Is it okay to be here if I’m an atheist?” Justin told her he hopes this is a safe place for her to learn about faith and explore Christianity. She’s been coming every Sunday, even on Sundays her friends can’t attend, and loves it. Please pray for the walls in Amaya’s life to come down and for God to open her eyes to the reality that He loves her and Jesus wants her to follow Him.


Please pray for our Financial Peace University class starting on Oct. 15th. We have seven families attending FPU this fall and five of them do not attend NorthPointe. Please pray that God uses this class to give them hope, not just in their finances, but the ultimate hope in their lives that only Jesus can bring.

SouthPointe Christian Church


Brandon has come from a life of addiction, struggle, and manipulation. He now lives with his mother, attends college, and participates at SouthPointe. Brandon has also been bringing friends: Ryan and Craig. Pray for Brandon to stay clean and for God to use him (and SouthPointe) in the lives of Ryan and Craig.


Kevin struggles with self-doubt and his own self-image. This often spirals him downward into deep discouragement. He needs your prayers to grasp the Gospel and know his true identity in Jesus.


Rick and Deb were dedicated members of SouthPointe for the first 2+ years of our existence, but Deb was diagnosed with cancer. They also experienced family hardship on top of this diagnosis. Since then, we have not seen them much. Whenever we talk to them, they say they are okay and will come back. Pray for them to return and for God to work through this difficult time.

BridgePointe Christian Church


Andrew is a middle school student who is ready to give his life to Jesus through baptism. His father, who lives in Texas, is visiting this weekend, and Andrew is going to be baptized on Sunday! Please pray for Andrew’s continued growth in Christ. Also, please pray that his expression of faith will be the catalyst for forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration within his family. 


Bimpe and Bona are parents who have been through unimaginable struggles since their daughter was born prematurely six months ago. Please pray for their daughter, Ifunanya, to be healthy enough to be released from the hospital and to come home for the first time. This sweet little girl has had heart surgery, a g-tube, and now a tracheotomy. Many more operations and challenges await this faithful family, but being home together would be a big step. Pray for the comfort and peace of the Spirit to be experienced. 


On October 31st, people from BridgePointe will host “Bright Light Parties” at 15-20 locations throughout our area. At each yard party, trick-or-treaters will receive hot cocoa, candy and prizes while playing games and having conversations. Please pray that this will be a powerful demonstration to our neighbors that the light of Christ can shine brightly on any night. Pray that conversations and relationships will lead people to connect with the church and explore faith in Christ.

OceanPointe Christian Church


Thank you for praying for Sarah! Her latest ultrasound was very encouraging, and her pregnancy is progressing well so far. Please continue to pray that the miscarriages in her past don’t overshadow the joy of the present!


Six people were baptized on September 27th!! Thank you for your prayers as they made their decisions for Christ. This celebration sparked questions in others’ hearts, and we are looking forward to more baptisms in the near future! We are also thankful because several of our junior high students are considering baptism.


Please be praying for Cara. She was the one who brought her sister to church for the first time, but is having a difficult time as she’s going through a divorce and trying to figure out where she stands with God. A couple of weeks ago she tried to kill herself and ended up in the hospital. Please be praying for Cara to find hope and seek God in the midst of her circumstances.


Our Halloween outreach, “Light the Night” is coming up where we will set up ten homes to be sources of light in Newport County. We’ll pass out full-sized candy bars, serve popcorn and cotton candy, and do our best to successfully reflect God’s love in our community.

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
