Happy Thanksgiving!




RESTORE Christian Church


Mary & Michelle both started attending RESTORE in the last several months and were baptized in September. In the time since then, both are experiencing a difficult season. Please pray that they look to God for strength and that their faith becomes deeper during this time.


Joe recently moved to Quincy and started attending RESTORE.  Pray for Joe as he is asking a lot of questions about faith and baptism. He is also transitioning to a new job and trying to figure out next steps for the care of his Mother in North Carolina.


Viviane and Tom have been part of RESTORE for the last year. Viviane has Sickle Cell Disease and Tom has MS. Recently, Viviane was hospitalized because of her SCD and is still recovering. Pray for this couple as they navigate all the pressures that come with these illnesses. Pray for healing and encouragement. 




NorthPointe Christian Church


Gina is a Freshman in college who started coming to NorthPointe last month. She found out about NorthPointe because of a door hanger the mission team from Lincoln Christian University passed out in local neighborhoods. She immediately joined a community group and is excited about joining NorthPointe. In reflecting about why she started coming to NorthPointe she said, “I felt like God was leading me towards him and to get to know him better. He is the real meaning my life is looking for.” Please pray for Gina as she starts her journey at NorthPointe. 


Please pray for Daniel Rodriguez. Daniel started coming to NorthPointe a couple of months ago and immediately started serving through our First Impressions and Production teams. Daniel moved to Rhode Island away from all his family and friends, but has found the community he’s been looking for at NorthPointe. Please pray for strength as Daniel continues to live away from home and that God would meet all his needs through NorthPointe. 


Kristina was invited to NorthPointe by one of our most involved families. Kristina is a single mom and has never been to church before. Through our dollar club ministry, we were able to bless Kristina with groceries and other needs for her son. The first time she came to NorthPointe she said, “I like how they talk about God, but I can’t believe that God would love me the way they say He does. Can he really love me despite all I’ve done?” Kristina has continued to come to NorthPointe on a regular basis and is growing in her knowledge of God. Pray Kristina would experience the love of Christ and commit her life to him. 



SouthPointe Christian Church


There are several big things happening at SouthPointe. Thank you for praying for many individuals in our church. God is answering those prayers! We see His providence on a daily basis. But, this month, we are asking for your prayers in two huge areas. 


SouthPointe is in a conversation to purchase a building. After being a mobile church for 5 years, we believe this would allow us more time, energy, and space to serve the community. We also believe this would send a “we are here to stay” message to the community we’ve served for the last half decade. This particular building would save us money each month.  Please pray that God would provide the finances needed for the renovation process and, most importantly, that He would allow us to reach more people through our new location.


We are also in a conversation to hire a new worship arts director. We’ve been convicted by Jesus’ command to pray for more workers. This is why our prayer is not centered around merely filling a position, but for God to call someone here. May you join us in this prayer. May you also pray for His financial provision. Thank you.




BridgePointe Christian Church


Please pray for Josh and Katie Pezold. Josh and Katie moved out to Rhode Island a little over four years ago to plant BridgePointe with the Cowgurs. This month has been a joyful yet heart wrenching season for them. On October 18th they welcomed their new baby boy Emerson into the world. Emerson and Katie are both doing wonderfully and they are adjusting to life with a newborn. As well, the Pezold’s have been fostering their 21-month old daughter for the past 5 months. They just received news this week that she will unfortunately be moving to a new foster family to be placed with her biological brother. Please be praying for the Pezolds as they grieve the loss of their daughter and they ask that you would be praying for their daughter to know Jesus wherever she is placed. 


Please pray for Seth. Seth has been attending BridgePointe the past few months after being invited by his mother Leslie. Leslie describes him coming to BridgePointe as a miracle. Since being a BridgePointe Seth has joined the First Impressions Team, joined the Gospel of John class, and is attending regularly. Be praying for Seth to be open to committing his life to Jesus and expressing that through baptism. 


Finally, please be praying for Danielle and Jorge. After attending a Christmas service this past year, they have become convinced that Jesus is Lord. Be praying they would make their belief public through baptism and that God would give them the courage to begin speaking about their new-found faith to their family and friends