MARCH 2016






  • For the last month, we’ve been praying for a woman at RESTORE named Theresa.  Theresa has been waiting to find out if she has cancer in her colon and lungs.  We’re happy to report that she is cancer free!  Praise God! Please pray for her as she waits to find out about surgery to remove a mass in her lung, and possibly part of her lung.
  • Jay is someone we’ve gotten to know through going to a restaurant called Craig’s Cafe.  He works in the building above the cafe and is also a regular there.  Some of the RESTORE staff have recently become friends with Jay. Please pray that God will use their friendship to introduce Jay to the love of Christ.
  • Colm and Alex serve with our setup team on Sunday mornings. Two weeks ago we received a text from Alex sharing that her fiancé, Colm, was laid off from his job and asked us to be praying. Join us in praying for Alex and Colm, that God will open doors to the right employment, that they see God working in this season, and that they come to know Him more through this trial.  
  • In January our resident, Karli, met Lauren at our local YMCA. She had just transferred to ENC for the spring semester. Lauren’s family isn’t from here and she has been struggling to get past that. She is truly and completely homesick.  Please pray that Karli has opportunities to minister to Lauren over the next several months.

NorthPointe Christian Church


  • Please pray for Jane. She started coming to NorthPointe about 6 months ago by herself. Slowly she has started bringing her entire family to NorthPointe.  Both she and her husband were raised Catholic, but never returned to the church once they were on their own. It’s been amazing to see how God has been working in Jane and her family. She and her daughter have recently decided that they want to get baptized together. Pray a prayer of thanks with us for the work God is doing in Jane and her family’s life, as they keep learning to trust God more. And please pray for God to keep working in the lives of her husband and her son who seem to be a little cautious of faith in God, but warming up to the idea.
  • Please pray for Edgar. Edgar is a super funny junior higher who just started attending the student ministries. He’s had no real interaction with faith or what it means to follow God up to this point in his life and is really just starting to explore it. Please pray with us for Edgar that he becomes curious about God, and that curiosity leads him into a deeper relationship with God.  Edgar treats people with a ton of kindness, and we see a lot of potential in him. Pray that his potential is unleashed and he becomes a great leader for God.
  • Please pray for Marissa who is fairly new to her faith and has a similar story to Jane’s. Marissa started coming to NorthPointe a few months ago, being invited by a friend who is also pretty new to NorthPointe. Marissa was raised Catholic but hasn’t really pursued faith on her own. It’s been really exciting to see Marissa take steps towards trusting God for the first time. Please pray that she continues to take these important steps of faith. Marissa is also getting married soon. Please pray that God works in the life of her fiancé who still gives her a hard time about her faith in Christ.

SouthPointe Christian Church

  • Mike and Alina started attending SouthPointe about a year ago. Alina had no church background, while Mike had a negative impression of the church. Both connected at SouthPointe and have expressed initial interest in following Jesus. They also recently got engaged. Pray that they would grasp the Gospel and decide to follow Jesus in their new life together.
  • Kimo, Ziggy, and Alex are college students from different parts of the world (Jamaica and the British Virgin Islands, to be specific). They have started attending SouthPointe and continue to bring more friends with them. They plan on staying local, even after graduation. Pray that God will help them grasp the Gospel and use them to continue to bring more college students to know Jesus.
  • Manny is a local barber. He has been coming to SouthPointe for the last two years and continually brings new people with him. He is really growing in his faith. He has expressed desire to use his influence with his customers and fellow barbers. Pray that we disciple him well and that God will use his influence for the Kingdom.

OceanPointe Christian Church


  • Thank you for your faithful prayers concerning our buildout.  We are excited to see the changes every week. God has been so faithful in providing for us, and we are excited to see Him fill up this space with people seeking Him!
  • Jada started coming to services sporadically several months ago and has recently decided to make OceanPointe her church home. She has been out of work for about a year now while fighting for custody of her daughter, and she has been very discouraged. Our First Impressions team was recently seeking a dedicated coffee person for Sunday mornings, and Jada committed herself to this role because she’s wanting a way to give back to God! We thank God for Jada joining our volunteer team.  We ask that you join us in praying that Jada can find the job God has for her, can be reunited with her family, and will rise out of this depression. 
  • A couple of weeks ago we had the honor of baptizing Peter, a 71-year-old man who knew he didn’t want to wait any longer to make this important decision for Christ. Peter had bad church experiences growing up, but over his life he discovered a need for his own faith. He started coming to OceanPointe services around Christmas and voiced his desire to be baptized to his granddaughter soon after. Join us in celebrating this man’s changed life and decision! We pray his story inspires others in our community to see that it’s never too late to follow Jesus!

BridgePointe Christian Church


  • Please pray for God to use our Easter events to encourage faith in Jesus, both for those who already believe and those who are yet to believe. Pray that many are drawn to Jesus through our Egg Hunt in two locations and our three Easter Sunday services. 
  • Please pray for several young ladies in the church who are facing difficult relationship decisions as they encounter the truth of Jesus. They started following Jesus while in committed relationships with men who were not following Jesus. As these women surrender more to Jesus, they are challenged to honor God in this area of their lives. Please pray that the men will believe in Jesus and become His disciples. Also, please pray for these young women to have the courage and faith to trust and obey God if that doesn’t happen. 
  • Germaine and Terrance connected with BridgePointe when a home group served at Providence Rescue Mission as part of Give Love Away in February. These men are getting their lives in order after battling joblessness and homelessness. Please pray that the tangible love of the church will strengthen their faith in the unconditional love of God. Please pray for these young men to find steady jobs, safe places to live, and ongoing community within the church.

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
