Michaela started attending NorthPointe the Sunday before Christmas. Since then, she has gotten connected with a community group and a ministry to serve. As a single mom, Michaela was really struggling, but since attending NorthPointe, her faith has started to grow and she has connected with some people who are coming alongside of her in meaningful ways. Please pray for Michaela as she takes steps towards God and seeks to be the best mom she can be to her young children. Brian, a key leader at NorthPointe, has been putting Pray for One into practice in his life and is lifting up a friend of his who is far from the Lord. Please pray for Brian, young in his own faith, as he begins to seek how God wants to use him to reach his friend for Christ and pray that his friends will be receptive to Brian’s efforts. Last month, we asked you to pray for Joel and his recovery from alcohol addiction. Over the last three weeks, Joel has not missed a Sunday gathering and has taken some important steps towards sobriety. His wife, Jennifer, is cautiously optimistic about their marriage and is hoping their family will be restored. Please continue to pray for Joel’s healing and that Jesus will ultimately be his source of salvation and strength!