Restoration House Ministries, Inc.


Please continue to pray for Erin. She has been attending Restore for a couple months now and her relationship with God is blossoming. It’s been so exciting to see her take steps of faith!
Pray for Jay. He has been serving occasionally in our band and is close friends with one of our staff members. Pray that Jay will make a decision to follow Jesus.
Join us in praying for more inroads into the community of Quincy. Pray that people will be receptive to the message of the Gospel. Very soon, people from RESTORE will be inviting friends, family members, neighbors, and coworkers to join them on Easter. Pray that God will soften hearts and draw people to Himself.



Michaela started attending NorthPointe the Sunday before Christmas. Since then, she has gotten connected with a community group and a ministry to serve. As a single mom, Michaela was really struggling, but since attending NorthPointe, her faith has started to grow and she has connected with some people who are coming alongside of her in meaningful ways. Please pray for Michaela as she takes steps towards God and seeks to be the best mom she can be to her young children.
Brian, a key leader at NorthPointe, has been putting Pray for One into practice in his life and is lifting up a friend of his who is far from the Lord. Please pray for Brian, young in his own faith, as he begins to seek how God wants to use him to reach his friend for Christ and pray that his friends will be receptive to Brian’s efforts.
Last month, we asked you to pray for Joel and his recovery from alcohol addiction. Over the last three weeks, Joel has not missed a Sunday gathering and has taken some important steps towards sobriety. His wife, Jennifer, is cautiously optimistic about their marriage and is hoping their family will be restored. Please continue to pray for Joel’s healing and that Jesus will ultimately be his source of salvation and strength!


“God, thank you for bringing Peter & Lynne into the leadership of our team. They love kids so much, and have such a heart to help them feel comfortable and wanted, and more so to help them know Jesus. Please help them create lessons and content that can truly connect to their students. Also, please help their actual children move closer to you. They have been praying so hard that they begin a relationship with you, so please help Peter & Lynne continue to be a light for their family, and that they plant seeds in their children, and that those seeds grow.”
Please pray for our student ministry as we will be heading to Camp Monadnock this weekend. Pray that during our time away they would encounter God in a new way and consider what their next step is with following Jesus.
Please pray for Maegan who serves on the First Impressions Team at BridgePointe. Over the past few months she has had several friends and family who have passed away. This combined with health issues, and other personal stresses, makes life difficult during this season. Despite her circumstances, Maegan continues to love people and cling to Jesus passionately. Be praying God gives her increased peace and wisdom with how to handle the emotions and stresses she experiences.
Pray for God’s guidance as we build out a different warehouse across the street from where we worship and serve each week.  Thank God for the continued growth that necessitates this move.


Last week, we had the honor of baptizing Sabrina – our one hundredth baptism in OceanPointe history! Please keep Sabrina in prayer as she begins her journey with Jesus. Please pray also for a few others who are contemplating a commitment to Christ.
Please pray for Mike. Mike is a recovering addict and new believer. He has had some tough relationship challenges in the last few weeks and we ask that you pray for him as he heals and that we can help him stay connected to God and others.
We ask that you join us in prayer as we prepare for Easter. We will be offering 4 morning services and are praying that those who may only attend once or twice a year to be challenged and to desire more of Jesus. We also ask that you pray as we get ready to launch a Thursday night service that same week – Thursday, April 20th. We are excited and hope that those who have been on the fence about God and church will be willing to give it a try. 

Copyright © 2017 Restoration House Ministries, Inc., All rights reserved.