Prayer Pointes – September 2015

NorthPointe Christian Church


Please pray for Patty who is finding her way back to God. Patty went to a movie at Cinema World two weeks in a row and kept seeing our promos as she walked through the halls. Last Sunday, instead of going to see a movie, Patty decided to come to NorthPointe. One of our 1st Impressions team members (also new to NorthPointe) recognized Patty and asked her to sit with her during the service. Afterwards, she took her out for lunch to get to know her better. Patty is a single mother who’s looking for hope. Please pray that God uses NorthPointe to point her towards Jesus and the hope found only in Him!

Please pray for Anu. Anu is a Hindu, but has a few friends that attend NorthPointe. She is in an arranged marriage to an unloving husband and has a 2 year old daughter. Because of the love and compassion she has received from NP’ers, Anu is questioning her faith and is very interested in exploring Christianity. She’s even coming to our community group starting next week! Please pray that God will reveal the truth of Jesus to Anu and that she will find rest and salvation in Him!

Please pray for Stephanie. My wife, Amber, got to know Stephanie at the YMCA while our kids attended a class together. Stephanie and her husband are not believers, but they really like hearing about what NorthPointe does in our community. Amber has invited Stephanie to a mom’s group she does every Wednesday and she came for the first time last week. She also registered her kids for free childcare we’re offering this Friday so that parents can go on a date night together. While they’re not up for coming on a Sunday morning yet, NorthPointe is starting to become a place and people they’re interacting with more and more. Please pray for walls to come down and for this young family to follow Jesus!

Finally, thank you so much for praying. I’m energized each month by writing these prayer requests and even more so knowing there are people bringing these individuals and families to the Lord on our behalf. Thank you for partnering with us in such an important and powerful way!

SouthPointe Christian Church


Xavier (pronounced Javier) moved from Brazil to Rhode Island 5 years. He was one of our first community partners we met. In the last year, he has started attending regularly on Sundays and joined our home group. Recently, he has expressed interest in being baptized. Pray for Xavier as he starts his journey with Jesus, and pray for his wife Jackie to join him on this journey as well.


Mike and Mark are two brothers who have each struggled with addiction in the past. Mike started coming to SouthPointe just over a year ago, while Mark has started coming recently. Both are on the verge of deciding to follow Jesus, but I believe there is significant spiritual warfare pulling them in different directions. Please, please pray for God to pull them through this difficult time.


Paul has also battled substance abuse for many years. He goes through cycles of being sober and falling back into his old way of life. Pray again for God’s strength to pull him through. Pray also for his marriage and for perseverance.

BridgePointe Christian Church


Please join us in praising God for the baptism of Lynne on Saturday. This has been years in the making. Lynne has a history of hurt and pain because of her previous church experience. A few years ago, she was introduced to a church that helped her begin to understand God’s love, grace and forgiveness. After connecting with BridgePointe, she learned of the beauty and power of baptism and was convicted that the time had come for her to completely surrender to Jesus! 


Please pray for our new home group leaders: Owen and Tisha, Orlando and Maria, Jared and Dovon, Art and Jeannie, and Marisa. This is a big step for them and they will need wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit. Please pray that they will experience joy and that these five new Home Groups will result in many people growing as disciples of Jesus. 


BridgePointe is continuing to pursue a new facility. Please pray for God to open the door for us to take possession of a space that will allow us to continue to grow. Pray for God to enable us to overcome hurdles in lease negotiation, zoning application, financial need, and project oversight. May this new space provide room for more people to become disciples of Jesus!

OceanPointe Christian Church


Please be praying for Sarah and her family. Sarah has long struggled with infertility and has had numerous miscarriages. She was able to have her only child through IVF, and she has just recently found out she is pregnant again without even trying—a miracle!! During this season she is facing a lot of fears from the losses in her past, and we pray that God would fill her life with hope, good health, and peace as she awaits this unexpected addition to her family.


Thank you for praying for George and Stacy as they try to discern God’s will in George’s career. George just found out that he didn’t get promoted because of his back injury, which means he might not have a future in the military. He and Stacy are just praying that their family would stay close to God and joyfully anticipate whatever His plan for them brings. Please join us in praying that no matter what comes, they would follow God’s will and embrace whatever He’s got planned for them in the future.


We have several people on the radar for baptism, and on Sunday, September 27, we are having a baptism celebration! Please pray specifically for Katrina, Lisa, Chris, Ryan, Josh, Peggy, Kerri, and many others who are considering this decision. We pray that they would be challenged to start anew with Jesus at the center of their lives, and we hope that this day will be one that marks a great celebration in heaven at the lives changed by the hope of Christ! 

With our weekly attendance climbing, our children’s classrooms are overflowing! Please pray for us as we evaluate options that will enable to us to continue growing while we wait for the buildout to be completed.

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
