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  Prayer Pointes – August 2015

NorthPointe Christian Church


Please pray for Karen. Karen has been attending NorthPointe and finding her way back to God over the last year. On Sunday, Karen’s 22-year-old son was found dead from an apparent drug overdose. Please pray for Karen as she grieves the loss of her son and wrestles with this loss in light of her faith. I (Shawn) will be preaching the funeral on Sunday and would also appreciate prayers for God to speak through me to bring healing and hope. Karen has a large family and Anthony had a lot of friends, so there will be a lot of hurting people in attendance.

Please pray for Sue. Sue recently started attending NorthPointe at the invitation of a friend. Last week, Sue opened up to me about her relationship with her husband. They have been married for 17 years and over the last few months he has become verbally and emotionally abusive towards her. She is really struggling with how to love him and thinks that some of this is in response to her going to church. He used to be a strong believer, but has since lost his faith. Please pray for Sue’s strength and for the light of what God is doing in her life to reignite something in her husband.

Please pray for Brian. Brian has been attending NorthPointe for almost two years and is actively involved. He’s even one of the ten people going to Guatemala for our mission trip this fall. Brian believes in God and understands his need for Jesus to be his Lord and Savior, but for some reason he’s having a difficult time making a decision for Christ. As I’ve talked with Brian about this, it seems like guilt is keeping him from accepting God’s free gift of grace. Please pray for Brian to understand and, more importantly, experience the love and grace of Jesus in his life so that he may be set free!

SouthPointe Christian Church


Honey Saylor is recovering from a fall resulting in a broken neck and surgery.  Pray that she would make a complete recovery both physically and emotionally.  Honey consistently asks for prayers for her family, that they would come to have a relationship with Jesus.  Pray especially for her grandson Jay.


Emilie is a single mother with 3 boys. She came to Christ through her aunt, who passed away. Pray for her family.  They are in need of a permanent home and stability and support for the boys who struggle with emotional and behavior issues.


We continue to pray for Celebrate Recovery.  Pray that the meetings would continue to go well, that lives would be changed. Neil Morris has specifically asked for prayer for Lindsey’s mom, Cassie, that she would have a desire to get help for emotional problems that are impacting the family.

BridgePointe Christian Church


Thank you so much for praying for Susette and Ishmael. After living together for 12 years, they were married on August 1 as an act of surrender to Jesus. This couple is finding new joy in walking close with Jesus. Also, thank you for praying for Victor last month. He has decided to surrender his life to Jesus through baptism on August 23! 


Please continue praying for the Back to School Fair on Saturday, August 15. We are sponsoring this event for 5 elementary schools in East Providence and expect between 600-700 children to receive supplies, haircuts, eye and dental exams and more. Most importantly, please pray for people to see God’s love through His church and become curious about exploring a church that loves like this.


Please pray for Mallory. She is a single mom who has not had a good experience with church. Through a friend’s invitation to BP’s Women’s Group, Mallory has started to open her heart to Jesus. She is asking questions about commitment to Jesus and is considering baptism. Please pray that she would choose to surrender to Jesus and begin to live for Him.

OceanPointe Christian Church


Michelle and Evelyn began attending services at OceanPointe within the past month. Michelle moved here about a year ago in search of a fresh start after a difficult marriage ended, and she’s having trouble getting her two teenage daughters interested in going to church with her. Right now Evelyn is struggling to help her 12-year-old daughter heal from anorexia. Both women could use some extra petitions to God on their behalf as they try to lead their families closer to God.

Please join us in praying for two sisters, Peggy and Charlene, who recently started coming to OceanPointe. Charlene is going through a divorce that she doesn’t want, and she needs prayers for a healed heart and hope for the future. Please be praying also for Charlene as she supports her sister during this difficult time.

Stacy and George are still waiting on the decision about George’s career in the military. His back hasn’t healed from an injury over a year ago, and he’s not sure if he’ll be able to remain in the Service with such a slow recovery and continued pain. Please be praying for their family as they try to figure out what God has planned for their future and prepare for the arrival of their fourth child.

OceanPointe has grown in the past few weeks with the arrival of a new class of students at the War College in Newport, and we are facing a dilemma of whether or not to move to three Sunday morning services, find a Late Church option, or add another children’s classroom as we await the buildout to begin. We would appreciate prayers as we try to align with God’s timing and will for our church family.

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
