Magda is a single mom of a 6 year old boy named Jacob. She recently fled an abusive relationship and is currently living in a shelter. Please pray for their safety, faith and endurance during this trying and uncertain time.


Tom and Viviane have been trying to adopt a little girl from Haiti for the last 8 years.  They have a relationship with the little girl, and desperately want her here in Quincy.  There have been multiple road blocks keeping them from finishing the process.  Please pray that the adoption will be finalized soon and the influence for Christ will be realized.


We met Gordon soon after the launch of Restore. Quickly, he became a consistent and hard working volunteer assisting us with Sunday morning set-up and tear down. Gordon shared that he likes to do the things that people don’t typically volunteer for and consistently encourages us. Gordon is quickly becoming a part of the Restore family. Over the past few weeks we’ve had the opportunity to hear pieces of his story. With heavy hearts we’ve learned that Gordon lost his son back in March. As we navigate the holidays we ask that you be praying for Gordon and his family and that their faith will grow immensely.

NorthPointe Christian Church


Please pray for Karen. Karen first attended NorthPointe a year and a half ago. She had questions about faith and was genuinely seeking answers. For several months, Karen attended regularly, plugged into a community group, and even started serving in a ministry. Then, all of the sudden, she stopped coming and wouldn’t return our attempts to contact her. Two weeks ago, Karen showed back up at NorthPointe again. Please pray that the fire that started burning in her heart for the Lord a year ago will reignite and that she’ll make a decision to follow Jesus and find the rest in her soul that she longs for.

Please pray for Lou. Lou and his wife, Stacy, have been attending NorthPointe for 9 months. Lou is a mechanic and recently hurt his leg, requiring major surgery. He’s stuck at home on bed rest for several weeks and it will be several months before he can get back to work. Pray for quick healing and for Lou to grow in his faith during this time. He told me last week that he’s been putting work above everything else lately and feels like this is a good chance for him to pause and focus on what’s most important, his faith and his family.

Please pray for Fred. I’m getting to know Fred through the Rotary club I’m involved in. We’re working on some things together in the club and last Saturday spent several hours talking about life. During that time, Fred and I had a great conversation about faith. Please pray that God will use our friendship to open Fred’s eyes to the truth of Scripture and His love for him!

SouthPointe Christian Church


Eric has struggled with addiction in the past. He was just released from a sober house and does not have a steady living situation. He also has a job that is forcing him to work long hours, including most Sundays. He has recently grown to love the Gospel, but he feels like he is being attacked spiritually in all of these areas. Pray for him to hang on and for him to continue to invest in community.


Mike was not raised in church and has come from a background of addiction to painkillers. He has a lot of instability in his life: he doesn’t have consistent employment, he has a rocky relationship with the mother of his four-year-old son, and he lives in a very rough area. But, he is so incredibly hungry for the Gospel. Pray for the Gospel to break through each of these areas in Mike’s life.


Emilie is single twenty-something mother of 3. She came to faith a year ago through the witness of her recently deceased aunt. She works hard just to keep her head above water. Pray for God’s providence in her life and for her perseverance.

OceanPointe Christian Church


We had the blessing of celebrating seven baptisms on Sunday, December 13th! Please be praying for the people who were baptized, some of whom are already facing opposition and struggles from their decision to follow Christ. Pray that they stay strong in the Lord and close to His will.


In October we asked you to pray for Cara, who tried to kill herself a couple months ago. Her sister had continued to come to OceanPointe and was recently baptized, and we are excited to celebrate that Cara has come back to church! She’s been back for two Sundays now and seems much more hopeful! Praise God! 


Please continue praying for Abigail… She has a shunt in her brain that is causing a lot of pressure in her skull. She has a lot of invasive medical tests coming up and needs hope. Both of her sons are facing possible surgeries, as well. This family is still reeling from the pain of Abigail’s ex-husband and the boys’ father who was leading a double life, and we ask that you join us in praying for them to have peace and joy during this Christmas season.


Praise God! On December 17th we signed the official contract to lease the space next-door to Island Cinemas! Demolition began this week, and we are thrilled to begin the project of expanding our church. Pray that God continues to bless this transition and that we have faith in His timing. Thank you for your faithful prayers and encouragement for our church family. Merry Christmas!

BridgePointe Christian Church


Tim and Christina began attending BPCC soon after receiving a postcard in the mail last July. Over the last several months they have expressed curiosity and interest in following Jesus as they experienced new friendships through their Home Group.  After time in jail for Tim, the loss of a child, and a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis for Christina, BridgePointe was a completely new experience for them.  After much teaching, they decided baptism was their next step in following Jesus.  Tim and Christina are growing to be more like Jesus, true disciples of Christ.  Pray that they continue to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.


Narong was born to a devoted Buddhist family in Cambodia.  Like other Cambodians, especially those from the “business class,” he had one ultimate goal in life—to earn lots of money.  Money defined happiness for him.


“The first time I heard God’s Word, it seemed very silly to me.  I had always believed that you could only earn bad or good karma by yourself.  This meant that it was impossible for Christ to die for anyone’s sins.  I thought that Christianity was just another religion with sets of rules of what to do and not do.  In that case, there was no need to abandon my own religion at that time because they were relatively the same.”


After being exposed to the Scriptures and the Christian community, Narong’s heart began to soften and he began to understand more of God’s Word.  Pray that Narong will continue to clarify the Godly values for his life.


Pray for Joeanna, a 15-year-old girl whose grandmother, Juanita, began attending BPCC.  Juanita came to BridgePointe because she wanted her granddaughter to find hope and life in Christ.  Specifically she was looking for a church that believed baptism was part of becoming a disciple of Jesus.  Recently Joeanna committed her life to Jesus and was baptized.  Both grandmother and granddaughter understand that God loved them first and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for their sins.

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
