AUG 2016








RESTORE’s new Lead Minister, Jeff Oakes, just joined our staff on August 1st!  We are so thankful that God has brought the right person to lead our congregation and staff.  Please pray for Jeff as he begins this new adventure and pray for his whole family as they move to Quincy in the next couple of weeks. 


Dan and Hil started coming to RESTORE after attending our first summer Block Party.  They are very unsure about church and faith, but have been attending on Sundays because their boys are really enjoying our Kids Ministry.  Pray that Dan and Hil’s eyes would be opened to the truth of the Gospel and that their lives would be transformed by the grace of Jesus.


We are looking forward to having two more Block Parties in the next several weeks!  Pray that God will continue to use these community events to connect people in Quincy to RESTORE, and ultimately, to Him.

NorthPointe Christian Church


Please pray for Adam. Adam’s wife, Marissa, has been attending NorthPointe for about 6 months. Adam has come to some events and connected with some of Marissa’s friends in NorthPointe, but has never attended a service. Adam doesn’t see a need for Jesus in his life and, although he enjoys being around NorthPointe’ers, doesn’t see a need for church, either. Please pray that God will open Adam’s heart and that our consistent love will make a difference his life and eternity.


Please pray for Karen. A year ago Karen lost her son to an accidental overdose. Since then, she has struggled to recover from the pain of loss. Please pray that she will sense the Lord’s closeness and that His peace that surpasses all understanding will guard her heart and mind. Pray that she continues to wrestle with the Lord in her anger, grief, and guilt, and that she will come through closer to Him and more assured of His love for her than ever before.


We praise God for our newest staff member, Jacob Vangen, who arrived on August 1.  Jacob has been serving with Johnson University in their Student Admissions Department.  He has also been serving with the Seymour Heights Christian Church in Tennessee.  Please pray for Jacob as he adjusts to the New England culture and his new roles for NorthPointe Christian Church (NPCC).


Praise God with us as we celebrate the baptism of a young lady named Michelle.  When Michelle first came to NPCC, she became acquainted with Julie.  Julie invited Michelle to NPCC the following week as well as to attend Julie’s Community Group.  We praise God for the example of Julie being committed to make disciples one of whom now is Michelle. 


Please pray for Shawn Green and his family in the death of his mother.  While she suffered for a few years, she was a vibrant, joyful person who will be greatly missed.  Shawn preached his mother’s funeral and while difficult for anyone, he led all in attendance in a time of thanksgiving for a wonderful Christian mother. 


Pray for the NPCC staff as they prepare for multiple block parties in Lincoln and Cumberland, Rhode Island.  Pray for many new people to become acquainted with NPCC as she attempts to draw attention to Christ.

SouthPointe Christian Church


Our high schoolers went on a trip to CIY a few weeks back and while it impacted all of the students in some way, it really had an impact on Katie. Katie did not grow up in the church and just started coming to SouthPointe back in April. She has quickly found community with SouthPointe Students and has grown to discover what Jesus has done for her. Even though she has grown so much, she struggles at home with parents who don’t know Jesus. She could use prayers for how to handle her home life and be a light for Jesus to her parents.


Coming up on September 17 we will be having a Burgers and Baptism at the Beach event. We pray this will be a wonderful evening where many people are ready to begin their new life with Jesus. Please join us in praying for the decisions being made, for decent weather, and for God’s Spirit to be at work throughout the night.


Good news came in the form of healing this past month. Marcy has been fighting a battle with cancer for quite a while and found out just this past week that she is cancer free. We are so excited to be able to celebrate with her on this answered prayer.

OceanPointe Christian Church


Praise God! Mary’s daughter Sarah, whom we asked you to pray for last month, has made a full recovery and is out of the hospital! After giving birth to her daughter, the doctors discovered she had a fatal infection; but God is good and heard our prayers! Sarah made a miraculous recovery and walked into OceanPointe for the first time last Sunday with her daughter in her arms!


Please continue to pray for Jada to find the job that will help her regain custody of her 7-year-old daughter. Jada was recently let go from her previous job and is recovering from surgery. Please pray that she feels God’s comfort and peace as she waits on Him and seeks His will for her next steps.


Please be praying for Maria, the grandmother of one of our most faithful volunteers. Maria recently found out she has a brain tumor, and her doctors don’t know how to proceed. Please pray for complete healing for Maria and hope throughout this difficult time of waiting for answers. Please also pray for her family as they try to help Maria.


Our church family would also appreciate your prayers for our upcoming Sandlot event on Friday, September 2nd. Last year we showed The Sandlot movie for free at a historic baseball field in Newport, and it had such a great turnout from the island that we decided to do it again this year! Please be praying that the planning goes smoothly, that this event gets individuals in our community one step closer to church and seeking God, and that we have a safe, fun night loving on our community!


BridgePointe Christian Church


Please pray of John. He is new to BP and is growing quickly toward Jesus. He plans to be baptized later this month. Pray that his faith continues to grow. His wife is not yet interested in visiting the church. Please also pray that John’s commitment will inspire his wife to explore Jesus and discover life in Him!


Please pray for Meredith. She loves Jesus and has been committed to Him and His church for a long time. She serves faithfully in BP Kids as a team leader. She has had chronic health problems that have mystified the doctors. She is getting discouraged and overwhelmed by the constant pain, fatigue, and lack of answers. Please pray that the Father provides peace, comfort and healing. Pray that she will have the energy and ability to serve the Lord as she desires.


Please pray for two brothers who have been coming with their wives and families for about 6 months. They came as skeptics and have started growing in faith. They have not yet made a commitment to Jesus, so please pray that they would recognize their need for Jesus and accept Him as Lord and Savior. Please pray that they would soon be baptized and become Godly leaders in their homes, communities and church.

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
