October 2014


New Life Cambodian Christian Church

Rinn Sim- Lowell, MA

  • Please pray for Hay, a Cambodian Chinese guest, who moved from New York to Lowell, MA. He has worshipped with us for a couple weeks already, but he is looking for employment so that he can permanently settle here.
  • Pray for the Tan Thach family. This family of three have shown interest in learning more about Jesus Christ. Pray that we can impact this family for Christ and that our church community can continue to welcome new guests. May we continue to be a family of Christ followers that loves and welcomes every person that comes to our church!
  • Pray for our Cambodian community to continually grow closer in relationship with Christ.
  • Please pray for New Life to grow in faith and to be faithful to our God.
  • Please don’t forgot to keep praying for Mac and Rose to grow strong in the Lord. The kidney situation is still a huge concern for us as a family. Thank you


New Hampshire Korean Christian Church

Eunho Moon & Kei Eun Chang- Bedford, NH

  • Pray for our Resident Minister, Andrew Fross, as he serves the youth group in place of John Kim who has left for Korea.
  • Pray for the church’s spirit and for our members to keep being involved in the campaign of “praying for one.”
  • Pray for Hee Sang Yu and his family, who recently lost his job and is searching for a new one.
  • Pray for the sick, particularly elder In B. Lee and his wife Hee Sook. The seasons are changing, so please pray for good health for all our members and staff.
  • Pray for our small group meetings and study groups which have started up again after a long summer break.

Oasis Christian Church (Liberian)
Christic Marblow- Providence, RI

  • Pray for the missions fair at the end of October which OCC will host for area churches in South Providence. This fair will pull together many from the area to coordinate outreach efforts in the community. They hope to build a spirit of cooperation which will provide better services to the community, as well as hone the efforts for outreach.
  • Thank God for the new people who have been visiting OCC. Pray that many will be added to the fellowship and join in pursuing the vision for making disciples.
  • Thank God for two new Bible studies in Providence and Pawtucket. Pray that God will use these studies to reach new families and empower the believers.
  • Pray for Christic Marblow as he once again is facing unemployment. Although not having a job gives him more time for ministry, it places a very heavy burden on him and his wife.


Manchester Chinese Christian Church

Brandy Lee- Manchester, NH

  • Give thanks for our Resident Minister, Andrew Fross, as he has been ministering to the second generation of our church.
  • Pray for more helpers and church volunteers to join the children and youth ministries.
  • Pray for Lilian Han and Ping Hu as they are currently having a personal Bible study and are exploring what it means to be believers. Pray that it will ignite their hearts to desire Him more and more through His Word.
  • Pray for wisdom in preparing the Christmas program so that our church will be able to reach the community.


Hong Kong Christian Mission

Wing Wong- China

  • Pray, pray, pray for Hong Kong! Praise the Lord that I still burn with passion for the truth and justice! I weep for the students in Hong Kong and pray for the police who treated them brutally!
  • Praise God for a wonderful worship in China today with over a hundred Brothers and Sisters- I led them to embrace His love and soak in His word! (By the way, my luggage was delivered to my hotel last night. Praise God!)
  • Praise God that two new friends have decided to give their lives over to Jesus and are planning to come to our hotel room for baptism tomorrow!
  • Praise God that we were able to share quality time with one of our IBCC students who was diagnosed with cancer two weeks ago, he was in good spirit and full of faith!
  • “Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Amen and Amen.” Ps. 41:13

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
