November 2014

NorthPointe Christian Church


Kathy Nelson found out a few months ago that she has breast cancer and has been going through treatments for much of the past couple months. Recently, though, tests came back saying that her numbers are looking great—so good in fact that she doesn’t have to start the next round of chemo that they anticipated her having right now. Pray that the hormone treatment continues to work and help her body heal itself, and for her family and our church as we travel this road together. 


Steve and Tiffany Ribeiro recently had Steve’s daughter Bella move in with them. Bella has lived primarily with her mother in Oklahoma, but made the move to her dad’s this past month. It is all quite quick, but they are adjusting well to it, and Steve is loving having his daughter in his home now. They have some stuff to sort out with her schooling, Steve started a new business, Tiffany is in school, so pray for their growing family and the change all these things brings. Also, Bella will be getting baptized in the next few weeks so that is very exciting for all of us.


There’s a lady named Karen who came up to Shawn on Sunday and shared her struggle with depression. She recently moved back to Rhode Island to be with her daughter, with whom she has a strained relationship. She’s having a difficult time connecting with people because of her depression, which is only adding to her despair. Pray that NorthPointe can become a safe and encouraging place for her in this transition, in her depression, and in the restoration of her relationship with her daughter.

SouthPointe Christian Church


Zach: Recently Zach has come to SouthPointe with his girlfriend. He even attended our I’m New Here event this past Sunday where he asked some inquisitive questions and seems to be searching for something more in life. Our prayer is that he is able to learn more about the hope of Jesus and just what it means to be a follower of Jesus.


Nick: As soon as Nick started coming to SouthPointe he jumped right in and wanted to be a part of the team. We really appreciate everything that Nick does and who Nick is as a part of SouthPointe. Our prayer for him is that he is able to grow in his relationship with Jesus as he is relatively new to the Christian faith.


The Tack Family: The Tack family have been coming to SouthPointe for a little over a year now, but were quite inconsistent at first. Since this summer, though, they have become much more consistent and the two students have attended all of our student events. A couple weeks ago the father and two students were baptized at church and we are so thankful for that commitment they made. Our prayer for them is that they are able to connect on a deeper level and build strong relationships with others at SouthPointe.

BridgePointe Christian Church


In March of 2013, a man from Manchester Christian Church drove to Rhode Island to attend one of BP’s first services with a cousin who lives nearby. This was the beginning of over 20 people from this extended family connecting with the church. Five of them have been baptized since last November. While God is working in amazing ways, there is a spiritual battle for them. One family member just found out that he has to go to prison. Another is still battling serious drug addiction. Many are hurt, confused, and scared by this. Please pray for God to bring hope and transformation to this family.


Keith Cabral was the first friend I made in Rhode Island. His family lives two streets over from mine. God has cultivated a deep and beautiful friendship between our families. When I first met Keith, his marriage was in danger, his family was struggling, and they were just starting to turn back to God for help. Over the past two years, God has done amazing things in Keith’s life. He has baptized his son, his mother, and many others. Because of the influence of his family, his wife’s cousin, niece, nephew, and brother-in-law have also expressed their commitment to Jesus through baptism. Over the past 6 months, Keith has felt God’s call to full-time ministry. He has changed the course of his life and is now taking online classes through Johnson University. Please pray that Keith will continue to grow in knowledge and understanding and that God will prepare him for a lifetime of service to the church. Please also pray that at the right time BridgePointe will have a place on staff for Keith.

OceanPointe Christian Church


Our Halloween Outreach was a success! We gave out free sno-cones, popcorn, cotton candy, full-sized candy bars, and hot chocolate in five locations across Aquidneck Island so we could meet people where they already are and invite them to OceanPointe’s Free Outdoor Movie Night on November 14th. Please be praying that people come to this event and take one step closer to coming to church!


In addition to our Outdoor Movie Night, we have a couple of other projects we will be serving with in the next couple of months. We will have our first volunteer appreciation Legacy Event on Thursday, Nov. 20. On Thanksgiving Day we will be delivering prepared meals to people in our community working with other local churches through Operation: Turkey Sandwich. We will also be putting together Christmas Fruit Bouquets to give to connections in our community and show them some OceanPointe love!


Please also be praying as we plan for our Christmas Eve service. We’ve had a few obstacles with this already and hope you’ll join us in praying that we follow God’s vision for this event and are able to effectively share the message of hope and joy that our Savior’s life brings with as many people as possible!


After much consideration, our staff has decided to take a hiatus from our Late Church service at the Firehouse Theater on Sunday nights. The service wasn’t attracting new people, and we believe that God has other plans for this unique service option that will effectively reach more people. We’re excited to see what Late Church will become in the future, and we hope you will join us in praying for God’s direction in what the most fruitful and farthest-reaching model of it will look like through this reevaluation process.

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
