If I could describe the last few months in one word, it would be relationships.  At RESTORE, so many people have taken the next step to form genuine relationships with Jesus and other people from church.  It’s been so amazing to see that happen!  Another season of Home Groups started in April with over half of our adults in groups.  Each week, we gather to study God’s Word and share what’s going on in our lives.  It’s been an incredible time of growth.  We also recently started small discipleship groups.  In these groups we have a deeper study and are able to walk more closely alongside one another.  Right now there are eleven people in these groups, with the goal being that they start more new groups this fall.  It’s a very exciting season for RESTORE and I look forward to what the future holds!


John Mueth

Associate Minister





As we get ready for each of the missions teams we have coming to Quincy this summer the excitement builds along with it. We will be throwing five different block parties throughout the summer. Each one will be used for reaching Quincy and serving people in neighborhoods throughout the city. Having teams here before, during, and after is extremely helpful. We will have teams prepping, setting up, and tearing down. Having teams here to help in delivering door hangers is not only effective and useful, but it also takes a large amount of people to cover the areas. If you’re a part of one of these groups, we look forward to having you here and working alongside us.  If you would like to make a trip here this summer or fall, there are still some dates available and you can contact Ed Plumier at


Karli Montgomery

Ministry Resident



On the last Saturday of April a team of 12 volunteers from RESTORE gathered for a cleaning day at the Sanger Center in Quincy. The center stays busy with the day-to-day tasks of scheduling and coordinating volunteers to deliver groceries to people in need. We enjoyed our time serving together as we cleaned and organized their facility. The time we spent at the Sanger Center will now free them up to spend more time focusing on the people they serve rather than having to maintain their facility.


Caitlin Pugh

Ministry Resident





Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
