Prayer Pointes – May 2015

NorthPointe Christian Church


Please pray for Kathy and the Boucher family. Kathy was diagnosed with cancer last August and it has been more aggressive than they expected. Treatments are no longer working and her cancer is spreading. The family is having a difficult time right now as they try to figure out her next steps. Please pray for Kathy and her daughter, Danielle, who are both such a big part of the NorthPointe family.

Please pray for Eric, the recreation director at the Lincoln YMCA. NorthPointe has been able to develop a good partnership with the YMCA this year and through that, it’s given me the chance to get to know Eric. He is not a believer, but has some good questions about Christianity and faith and has been open to us partnering with them on some events. Please pray that NorthPointe can show Eric God’s love and that he and his family will come to faith as we work alongside of him.

Please pray for Karen. Karen started attending NorthPointe in August. It was the first time in her life that she attended church. She was very consistent up until March, even involved in a couple of women’s Bible Studies. Since then, though, Karen has stopped coming. I’ve reached out to her a few times, and while she replies, it’s nothing of substance about why she’s quit coming. Please pray for Karen to find her way back to NorthPointe and that she continues exploring faith and finds Jesus.

SouthPointe Christian Church


Christine and Jacob are two middle school students that are bursting with leadership potential and have lots of questions when it comes to the Christian faith. We ask for prayer that these two young minds will be able to deal with the problems in their lives and with the questions and doubts they have stored up, while reaching their full potential.


Charity is a member of the SP Kids Team and a mother of a middle school boy. Recently we had a party to celebrate Charity being sober for ten years. This is quite the praise and we also pray that she will continue to seek God during the rough and the smooth times.


This past Sunday we had a Baptism Celebration with 11 people being baptized by 9 different people. We thank God for each of these decisions and we pray that they will continue searching for a deeper relationship with God.

BridgePointe Christian Church


Please join us in praising God for his work in Steve’s life. Prior to coming to BridgePointe, Steve had only been in a church service a couple times in the last 50 years. (And hated it.) He gave it “one last chance” and accepted an invitation from his wife. Through the kindness of First Impressions and care of his home group, Steve opened his heart to Jesus and is being baptized by his group leader on Sunday.

Please pray for Paddy who has been coming to BridgePointe for several months. In March, Paddy grieved the one year anniversary of the tragic death of her daughter. God is working in her life in amazing ways and she is beginning to find hope in Jesus. She is considering placing faith in him and being baptized. Please pray the she will take that step and experience the comfort of God’s Spirit.

Please pray for marriages within the church. It feels like the enemy’s attack has been strong lately. We have two couples on the verge of separation and others who are facing big battles. Please pray for God’s Spirit to bring humility, grace, repentance, restoration, kindness and reconciliation like only He can.

OceanPointe Christian Church


We have been honored to baptize three people in the past month! Debbie, Rachel, and Eli all made decisions to be baptized, and we were so excited to celebrate with them. We have many more people on the fence about making a decision for Christ, so we ask that you join us in praying for them as they consider taking that risk and deepening their relationship with Jesus.

Thank you for praying for Rebecca— she came back to church this Sunday and said it felt just like coming home! She’s in the midst of considering a move to Florida with her two teenage daughters, and her sister’s family is considering the same. However, we ask that you join us in praying for Rebecca’s continued health struggles. She got some answers, but the condition seriously limits her physical activity at her job. Please wrap this family in prayer as they struggle with the future and staying close to God’s will.

Two of our staff members (Katie and Kourtney) host a junior high Group at their home each week. Their downstairs neighbors have two teenage daughters—one of whom, Kerri, knows most of the kids who come to the junior high Group upstairs each week. After numerous invitations, Kerri finally decided to try the Group out and has attended three already! At the most recent one, she said, “Up until three weeks ago, I was an atheist… until I came to this Group.” She’s going through a rough time right now and feeling very alone, but she’s been asking questions about Sunday services and even baptism. We ask that you join us in praying that she can place her hope in Jesus and that we can continue to minister in this neighborhood and community.

On Sunday, June 7th, our church will have the opportunity to contribute to our “What If… Project” for the buildout of the space next-door to the movie theater. Please join us in praying that we closely follow God’s will for the space and are able to dream with our church about the future. We also have at least one person that is planning to be baptized that day, so we’re praying that more hearts would be turned and decisions made for Jesus!

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
