leaf nature green


July, 2015


Manchester Chinese Christian Church

Brandy Lee- Manchester, NH


  • We have formed our Bible Reading Group through an app with smart phone technology. We will come together and read the same passages during the week. I will share my insight with the group everyday as we read through God’s Word together. The group will respond, discuss, ask questions as we progress. Give thanks to God and pray that He will build this group. Pray that this Bible Reading Group can attract other people to invest time in reading the Bible.
  • Our Prayer Group has been continually meeting together. The members are fervent in praying for the church, our communities, and the world. Give thanks to God! Pray for Hannah Guan who has left for the summer on an internship with Good News Production in Joplin, MO. She will be rejoining our church and our Prayer Group in August.
  • We have two other groups developing as well: An Evangelism Group will be created by Wing Wong and a Young Adult Group that is in the works by our Youth Minister Andrew Fross. Please continue to pray for these groups as they work on creating seed teams to help lead each group.
  • Pray for wisdom to direct the congregation to focus on sharing the Gospel to the community.
  • Pray for the safety of those who travel this summer and also for the growth of the church.


New Life Cambodian Christian Church

Rinn Sim- Lowell, MA


  • Please pray as many of our ladies are attending a women’s ministry prayer event for new believers.
  • Pray for our leadership group as we seek to teach others how to become Christian leaders.
  • Pray for a young man by the name of Wad. He’s visited our church a couple times this past month. Pray that he will seek the Lord and that God will continue to keep him on the right path.
  • Please pray for my wife Nong for her arm to be healed. She can’t lift it high and is causing her pain. Pray for the Lord’s hand of healing to be given to her.
  • Pray for our youth and children who are going on camping trips during their summer. Pray that God will work wonders in their hearts to grow in their love for the Lord this summer.


New Hampshire Korean Christian Church

Eunho Moon & Kei Eun Chang- Bedford, NH


  • Pray for our church members to be united in one heart for God’s mission. Pray for everyone to welcome new families and to share in the mission. Pray that we can grow in relationship and bond in unity.
  • Please continue to pray for Dr. Kei Eun Chang as he continues to teach at the University in Korea. He will be returning to New Hampshire on the second weekend of July.
  • Continue to pray for Hanna Lee who is one of our youth students as she prepares for her baptism on Sunday, July 12th. Also pray for our other members who have been a part of the church to make the full commitment to dedicate their life to Christ Jesus through baptism.
  • Pray for one of our newest members: Young Je Lee and his family. His wife’s younger brother died last week from heart failure. Pray for God to comfort them during this time of mourning.
  • Pray for our Resident Minister, Andrew Fross, who is serving our youth kids and young adults. Pray for this group of teenagers as they are being challenged this summer to make God the center of their lives. Pray for our youth students as they travel abroad. Andrew is also working with our young adults to make them stronger disciples so that they too can go and be disciple makers.
  • Pray for these young adults: Juyong Lee as he moves to Boston for English education; Ji Park and his wife Hanna Kim to build a habit of praying regularly as a couple and to grow closer to God in their marriage; Joe has been a member of our church for a couple years and now he’s moving to Atlanta, Georgia for a full-time job.
  • Pray for the continual development of our church’s small groups (Young Adult and Adult Bible Study). Pray for our internal discipleship growth to be exercised outside to the communities in our area. Pray for our Young Adult group as they take the summer to prepare for reaching more Koreans during the school year on college campuses. Pray for our church members to have a passionate heart for God’s mission.
  • Dr. Lee and his wife are still seeking someone to live in their home in Maryland. They are in financial distress but are seeking the Lord for His help. Please pray that they will have financial stability so it doesn’t strain their marriage or burden them any further.


Oasis Christian Church (Liberian)

Christic Marblow – Providence, RI


  • Pray for new worship space. While our landlord is bring patient, we seek God’s guidance in finding another place soon.
  • Pray that our members will continue to pass out church flyers and tracts in South Providence.
  • Pray for E-Man and his fiancé who are now coming to our church, that they will both grow in the Lord and become faithful followers of Christ.
  • Please continue to pray for our minister and his wife so they can yield more fruit to the honor and praise of God’s glory. 
  • Praise God that our church attendance has started to pick up again.  Pray that it will continue as individuals reach out to friends and relatives with the Good News of Christ Jesus.




Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
