RESTORE Christian Church


For over a year we have been praying for Tom and Viviane. They have been trying to adopt a girl from Haiti named Faith for the last 9 years! 2 weeks ago, Faith moved to Quincy to live with Tom and Viviane! We are praising God that he has answered our prayers! Pray for Faith as she makes the transition into a new home and culture. Thank you for praying!


Please continue to pray for Brian Graves. Brian is part of RESTORE, and had double knee replacement last month. He has had several other health issues as a result of the surgery. Pray for healing and peace and a greater trust in God.


Valerie was 24 weeks pregnant when she had Violet at the end of November. Please continue to pray for both of them. Violet is doing better every day, but still has a long road ahead of her. Pray that God will give Valerie and the rest of her family strength during this season. 



NorthPointe Christian Church


Moe is the brother-in-law of a lady who attends NorthPointe. He was recently released from prison, but has slipped back into some old, destructive habits since his release. Please pray for Sheena as she points Moe towards Jesus and for his children as they are caught up in their father’s decisions once again. Even in this darkness, though, there is light as Moe’s children have started attending NorthPointe with their aunt who also has them involved with our student ministry. Pray that Jesus captures their hearts even as drugs have captured their father’s.


Sarah is a high school student who started attending NorthPointe with her mom a little over a year ago. Since then, Sarah has had a lot of great questions about faith and what it means to follow Jesus. Please pray that Sarah’s questions and searching will lead to a life-long love and devotion to Jesus.



BridgePointe Christian Church


We ask you to pray for Elizabeth who’s been attending BridgePointe since Christmas. Being raised as a Roman Catholic, Elizabeth hasn’t attended a church since her confirmation several years ago. Elizabeth is praying for her husband Jon to begin attending with her.  She’s recently joined a home group and is beginning to explore what it means to follow Jesus. Be praying for Elizabeth and her husband Jon to take their next steps towards Jesus and His community. 


Please be praying for Paul who will be baptized at the end of February. Paul has been attending BridgePointe for the past few months, after being invited by a friend. After hearing about the importance and meaning of baptism, he was excited to take this next step in committing his life to Jesus. Be praying for Paul as he takes this next step, that he continues to grow in his pursuit of Christ. 


Please pray for Jenna who was recently baptized in December.  Be praying for Jenna and her husband to experience unity and healing in their marriage. Also be praying that her husband begins attending services and finds hope in Jesus for himself. 



OceanPointe Christian Church


David has been attending OceanPointe for about a year now and is always willing to serve in anyway that he is able. He has a huge heart for God and desires to follow His plan in life. Recently, David retired from his job and is unsure of what is next in his life. Please pray with us and with David as he seeks guidance for when and where to go and to continue to open his heart to love more abundantly. 


Jada and Robert have been coming with their family for a few months now and have jumped into the community here quickly. They have one daughter in college and two sons who are homeschooled. We recently learned that Jada’s mom has been diagnosed with Lymphoma for the second time in a year. Pray with us as we lift up Jada’s mom through the treatments and all that she still faces through recovery. Please also pray for Jada and Robert, that this weight would be lifted, and as they navigate all the new responsibilities in this time of life, that they would know God’s presence and working. 


Calvin and Julie serve on our first impressions team each week. A few weeks ago, Julie had to have surgery and it went really well! Recovery has been slow and she is still pretty sore from everything. She has been able to get up and out of the house a couple of times recently and we are excited to have her back on Sunday mornings soon! We thank God that surgery went smoothly and continue to pray for her recovery! 



SouthPointe Christian Church


Mike was not raised in church and has come from a background of addiction to painkillers. He has a lot of instability in his life: he doesn’t have consistent employment, he has a rocky relationship with the mother of his four-year-old son, and he lives in a very rough area. But, he is so incredibly hungry for the Gospel. Pray for the Gospel to break through each of these areas in Mike’s life.


Emilie is single twenty-something mother of 3. She works hard just to keep her head above water. She came to faith a year and a half ago through the witness of her recently deceased aunt. Then, she faced some major life obstacles. Even though we reached out to her, we didn’t see her for months. BUT, she just came back!!! Pray for God to give her perseverance and persistence. 


Kevin started coming to SouthPointe just before Easter. This is his first church experience in a really long time. Though he is young guy, he has struggled with a significant back injury. He has really connected with SouthPointe. Pray for him to place his trust in Jesus and to continue connecting at a deeper level.