Restoration House Ministries, Inc.


  • We are praising God that we were able to sponsor 15 children from Haiti during our Child Sponsorship Drive.  We are thankful for our partnership with Lifeline Christian Mission and for the opportunity for the RESTORE community to serve in this way.  Please continue to pray that generosity will open doors for God to transform lives at RESTORE in new ways.
  • This summer we are hosting 5 Block Parties in different neighborhoods throughout Quincy.  These free events are a great way for us to reach out to our neighbors and show them we care about them. We have a combined team in town next week from Hope Christian Church in Columbia, IL and Blendville Christian Church in Joplin, MO.  They will be serving in Quincy with us and helping us make our first Block Party a success.  Please pray for their trip and for all our summer outreach.
  • We recently started a new message series called “Pray for One.”  We’re hoping that throughout this series God will put burdens for the lost on the hearts of people at RESTORE.  Please join us in prayer for Youssef, Jay, Walter, and Lisa.  Pray that they would come to faith and that we will have more opportunities to invest in them.


  • Jennifer started attending NorthPointe ten months ago.  Jennifer finalized a divorce this past month due to her husband’s abusive tendencies and alcoholism.  The divorce is hitting her hard, as well as her children—18-month-old Jacob and 4-year-old Ella.  However, in the midst of these difficult circumstances, in a letter she sent this past week, Jennifer reflected on how NorthPointe has changed her life.  She said she has found community in her loneliness, purpose in her confusion, and light in her darkness.  Jennifer started serving on First Impressions and opened her home to host a Community Group.  Please pray that God would comfort Jennifer and her children during this difficult season and that she can continue to put God first.
  • Henry & Shantha Diaz, Vernon & Heather Howard, and Sandy Glover, all invested members at NorthPointe, are moving away due to various job opportunities and circumstances.  Please pray that each of these wonderful families can find a church home in their new community and expand the Kingdom wherever God will place them.  We are so thankful for their contribution at NorthPointe—they will be dearly missed!
  • This past week NorthPointe announced new staff joining the team.  Bob & Carol Miller have 31 years of ministry experience, and Bob will become the Interim Preaching Minister at NorthPointe.  This is an exciting development, and the Millers are grateful to serve in this new role.  Also, Gus & Debbie Piazza will be joining the NorthPointe staff.  They currently lead a Celebrate Recovery ministry and are excited to help develop community and outreach at NorthPointe.  Please pray for the Millers and Piazzas as they transition and for a fruitful and productive ministry with NorthPointe.


Due to housing complications, our new staff member, John Handlos, and his family had to push back their arrival date to July 1st.  We are ready to welcome them, and we pray with them as they prepare to move and settle into life in Rhode Island.  Please pray that he will be able to help us grow our ministry to the community.

As it gets closer to summer, we have started saying goodbye to many of our military families who are moving away during “PCS” season.  We pray that these amazing people will be able to find a church in their new hometown and that God will provide a place for them to get connected and build community. Unfortunately for us, this means we are losing many of our key volunteers in all ministry areas.  Please pray that the people of OceanPointe will feel inspired to step up and begin serving in areas where needed.

We are excited to be sending a team of 12 people on a mission trip to Poland in October of this year!  We are partnered with Polish Christian Missions and will be sending our team to serve a church plant in Sosnowiec, Poland by helping with their building renovation project and doing outreach in their community.  Please pray that this team will be impacted by this trip and that they will all have willing hearts and flexible attitudes while serving God’s people.

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Restoration House Ministries, Inc.

1300 Wellington Road

ManchesterNH 03104