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RHM Cross-Cultural Prayer, Praises & Petitions

Chinese To Christ Ministry (C2C)
IBCC China – Wing Wong

Praise the Lord! Thirty-two people have accepted Jesus in baptism in Sichuan this month!

PTL! The baby swimming pool                    The country church that we visited in Sichuan 
    became a spiritual baby                                     this summer is now expanded!
            delivery bed!


  • Praise the Lord for the new additions in Christ! Pray that they will grow and be the true disciples of Christ!


  • Praise the Lord that our missionary couple in Guizhou, Jingqian and Lijun, were able to find a new apartment and moved in last week! It is one third larger than the last one and in a much better location. They are now preparing to start an activity center to attract young parents and begin a Bible study. Please pray that they will be able to pull this off in the coming month!


  • We are working very hard trying to get the book Building Blocks For Bible Study translated by the end of this month. Please pray that we can have this printed and use it to train the Chinese Christians to be a better Bible students!


  • Praise the Lord that we have 20 new students signed up for our IBCC class starting in September! Please pray that we will not run into any complications that might hinder our online teaching in China!


  • We have booked a banquet room in SNHU to hold a party for the Chinese students on December 9 as a kick off event for our campus ministry in the university. Praise the Lord that the worship team of Londonderry Christian Church is going to help us with the music and Manchester Chinese Christian Church is going to help as well! Please pray we will be able to make positive contacts with many Chinese students and lead them to Christ!


  • Praise the Lord that my son Lemuel Wong has just joined our ministry team as our full time campus ministry assistant! It is certainly amazing to see how the Lord put all things and people together to work for His Kingdom’s good! Please pray that Lemuel will continue to grow as a good and faithful servant of the Lord!

Person of the month: Ernie Lee 

Ernie came to America with his parents when he just turned 13. He moved to New Hampshire from California after college. He is now 55 years old but has little knowledge of the Bible. He came to MCCC two years ago with his girl friend and joined our Cantonese small group this year. He works on three jobs so it is difficult to find time to do personal Bible study with him. We thank God that recently he is able to have Sunday morning off so he can come to church more regularly. I started Bible study with him during Sunday school hour couple weeks ago. Please pray that he will accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior soon!


Manchester Chinese Christian Church
Brandy Lee – Manchester, NH

  • Pray for our efforts to reach the Chinese students in a local university. Ask God to inspire the congregation to a good response as Wing Wong casts the vision to our congregation to recruit help and resources.


  • Both of our pianists are not available most of September due to traveling to China or having family come to visit. Please pray that God’s Spirit enlivens our worship even in the absence of the musicians and that others would rise up to serve.


  • Please pray for Ernie Li and Shan Shan Wang. They have been doing personal Bible study with Brandy and Wing. Please pray that they would accept and Lord and be baptized at the completion of this study.


New Life Cambodian Christian Church
Rinn Sim – Lowell, MA

  • Praise God that my brother and his family gave themselves to Jesus this last Sunday!


  • Please pray for Minister Rinn Sim as he speaks with his friend about Jesus.


  • Please ask God to provide spiritual growth for our men’s ministry leaders from church. It has been very encouraging to see these men grow in their faith and ability to lead the church. Other potential leaders remain weak, but we trust God will use the good example of some to strengthen the others.


  • Pray for our outreach ministry as we share Christ and His love with others. Please pray for the spread of the Good News through our praise and worship team as well.


  • Ask the Father to multiply disciples, as we work to have more prayer and bible study groups.


  • Pray for our church to grow in the spirit and in their love for others so that our new friends will grow in their faith.


New Hampshire Korean Christian Church
Eunho Moon – Bedford, NH 


  • Ask God to protect the students returning to college and to lead them to Christian communities that will facilitate their growth in Christ.


  • Please keep praying for Seongja Williams who has had continual nerve pain. She hasn’t been able to use her hands for driving, lifting, or anything without experiencing pain. Due to this physical condition, she hasn’t been able to attend church for most of the summer. Please pray for the Lord to provide miraculous healing for her.


  • Please pray for Ji Park and his wife Hanna Kim as they prepare to move to Chicago, IL on Monday, September 11th. Ji and Hanna have both served on our worship team and have been invested in our church ministries for many years. Please pray for this transition as Ji takes leadership of his family business. They are still trying to have a baby, please pray for patience during this long process. Also, pray that God will raise up new leaders to fill the opportunities left in our local ministry.


  • Pray for our young adult ministry’s outreach to new students on the college campuses. Ask God to work through Chang Inn and Andrew Fross as they launch a bible study on Saturday, September 2nd. Andrew will be providing on-the-job leadership training for Chang.


  • Pray for the church that God will guide us to discover and befriend new Korean families in our area.


Oasis Christian Church Liberian
Christic Marblow & Peter Sarmie – Providence, RI


  • Thank God for the money raised through the yard sale that will help to secure insurance for the van. We enjoyed working together as a church during the sale. This effort increased our joy and provided a good opportunity for sharing faith with our neighbors. We hope to have another event before the end of the year.


  • Thank God for Leroy and Genevieve moved into the area and committed to the church. They generously donated the food for the yard sale.


  • Tracy recently decided to return to worship and Bible study.


  • Magarett and her sister have faithfully been serving the church and impacting the lives of many for Christ.


  • Thank God for guiding the church through opposition. This challenge has helped unite the church behind the leaders and the mission.


  • Christic Marblow is asking God to provide an opportunity for him to continue his education so that he might be more effective in his leadership.
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