Restoration House Ministries


Oasis Christian Church (Liberian)
Christic Marblow- Providence, RI


  • Pray for the community outreach and mentoring program which begins NEXT SATURDAY, FEB 7TH!  Pray that God will raise up additional volunteers to staff the effort and at least 3 more working computers for our homework lab. Pray that participants will experience the real love of God through the lives of the mentors.

  • Pray for additional musicians to help us develop a dynamic Sunday worship experience.

  • Thank God for the new people who have started attending worship in 2015. Pray that they will join the current members in reaching new people for Christ.

  • Thank God for a renewed sense of unity and purpose in the members of the church.


New Hampshire Korean Christian Church

Eunho Moon & Kei Eun Chang- Bedford, NH


  • We had two baptisms last Sunday, January 25th! Heesook Lee and Tian Li both made their confessions to be raised to new life in our Lord Jesus Christ! May they continue to grow in their new journey! Pray that their relationship with Jesus will extend beyond their personal experience into others who are looking for that same life transformation.
  • We pray more people will come to know Him as their personal Lord and Savior. Pray that our church will continually be sent out to work in the harvest fields of New England and our local communities.
  • Pray for Mr Moon, Andrew Fross, and Grace Lu (new intern from Lincoln Christian University) as they reach out weekly to college-aged students on the university campus.
  • Pray for church members facing unemployment or struggling businesses. Continue to pray for Hee Sang Yu and his family while he searches for a new job.
  • Pray for more qualified, trained leadership to be established.
  • Pray for the congregation to generously share their faith and resources.
  • Pray for some of our church members who are experiencing troubles, hardships, and depression in their life. May God and His church show them love, encouragement, support, security, and peace.
  • Pray for Dr. Lee’s health. He and his wife have been leading our young adult bible studies during the week and equipping these young people to be strong examples of Christ.


New Life Cambodian Christian Church

Rinn Sim- Lowell, MA



  • Pray that God will expand the Saturday home Bible studies that we started 3 months ago. We joined together in prayer for our new team as they began reaching out to new people to come to church and to our Bible studies.
  • Please pray for our church’s vision to be fulfilled to reach one person at a time in Lowell, MA. God empowered me to spread the Gospel to two guys who came to me searching for work. Pray for Mr. Sary Oung who came to church for 10 years. His busy life led him away, but last Sunday he attended. Pray for Mr. Vanna Meas whose heart opened to listen to the gospel that he will remain open to hear and will come to church this coming Sunday.
  • Please pray for the Eda Ung who has established a new and busy travel agency. Pray that this business will prosper to provide for the family without detracting from their participation in the church. Pray that the relationships and profits created by the business will help Khmer people understand the Good News of Jesus Christ.


Manchester Chinese Christian Church

Brandy Lee- Manchester, NH


  • Pray for understanding of God’s plan for our church in the coming year.
  • Pray that we will have an effective Christmas program that glorifies the Lord in our community.
  • Pray for the stability of several families in our church as they fare in marriage struggles.
  • Pray for the opportunity to expand the college ministry in the coming year.
  • Thank God for Andrew Fross and his work among us. Pray that he will be able to raise enough support to continue to work with us for the coming year.


Hong Kong Christian Mission

Wing Wong- China


  • Recently, my sister-in-law, Lisa, (in NY) was diagnosed with cancer which spread from her ovary to her lungs and brain. We have been praying for her and telling her the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ. Finally we had a breakthrough a couple weeks ago when we visited her in her home. I believed it was a merciful arrangement of God that her good friend was there in time to join us sharing the Gospel with her. She seemed to be very receptive to the Gospel and I was able to pray for her at the close of our conversation. We wanted to visit her again on the next day but we were told not to because they were expecting a big crowd in the house.  However, she asked us to pray for her. We were going to see her again last weekend with hope that she might confess Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Sadly, her husband sent a message to us that he did not want us to share the Gospel with Lisa again because he was a Buddhist. We have not given up on her. I encouraged my wife to continue to talk with her on the phone. Please keep Lisa and her family in your prayers.
  • Pray for Hannah- She started coming to MCCC again after an initial visit a few months ago. I was able to talk to her about baptism recently. Please pray that she will make that life changing step soon.
  • Praise the Lord! Two baptisms in China last week. They are the result of our evangelistic team in Jiangxi province who go out two to three times a week, every week, for evangelism. Pray for the growth of the new converts and effectiveness of our teams.
  • Pray for more co-workers for our children’s hospital ministry in Beijing! After Lijun returned home to Hubei due to health issues, only her sister Stacy goes every week to help the children and their parents to know Jesus. Stacy is not discouraged. She has many stories to share. Like this one: 1/10/15- I got a phone call from Sister Dung early this morning telling me that she would not go hospital visitation with me this afternoon, not until after Chinese New Year. That meant she would not be going for over a month. I was thinking, “Well, good, now I have a good excuse not to go since I have not prepared the soup for the children, or the Bible story, or the crafts.” Sister Dung was supposed to prepare all this. But somehow I felt I had to go even under-prepared! I thought doing a not so perfect job was better than doing no job. I worried as I arrived at the hospital around 1:30 p.m. Of course, I worried uncertain of what to do for the two hours of activities. Jesus was my only hope! After I set up the activity room in the hospital, I went room by room to invite children to come. Children in the first room declined my invitation which increased my nervousness. What if no children wanted to come? Am I a big failure? So, I was very excited when I saw a child that I knew in the second room. Wow, he was my rescuer! I gave him a big hug and asked him to go with me to invite other children.  When we walked into the third room, we saw another familiar face. I invited him to join with the two of us to invite other children. Praise the Lord, finally we got a perfect ten, including four parents! I taught them a Christian song and they all knew how to sing it after they followed me a few times. However, I really didn’t know how to start telling them the story of Jesus so I started asking them questions- “Who is Jesus? What is His relationship with you?” I taught based on what they did not know about Jesus. It worked very well, even the parents participated! One kid asked, “Are the gods in the temples real?” I told him, “No, the gods in the temples were made of clay or copper by human hands but God was not made and He created man and everything else. God does not need people to burn incense to Him. Only Jesus is the true God and He knows you and loves you. Do you want to know Jesus?” The kid grinned and said firmly, “Yes!” Then, we prayed!  Praise God, I received much more joy from the children than I had given to them! I went out reluctantly with worries but came back joyfully. I got off feeling lonely but came back fully filled with the presence of Jesus.

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
