MARCH 2016



Hong Kong Christian Mission

IBCC China- Wing Wong

  • Since most people have gone home for the Chinese New Year, there has not been much going on in the churches.  Despite that, two young boys were baptized in our Jiangxi church on February 4.  Things should be getting back to normal in March.
  • Please pray that we will have a great start for our Interactive Bible Correspondence Course (IBCC).  We are offering eight classes this year, including How to Study the Bible 1 and 2, Genesis, Acts, Chinese Education, Charismatic Movement and Cults in China, Romans, and Christian Worldview. 
  • Please pray for Hannah as she is applying for OPT so she can work with us after her graduation in May!
  • Please pray for Wing that he will have an extra measure of God’s strength as he travels and preaches in the United States and China.


Manchester Chinese Christian Church

Brandy Lee- Manchester, NH

  • Pray that God would empower our church to accomplish the goals that we have set this year.
  • Pray that God’s name will be glorified in the Easter celebration and people will come to worship Him.
  • Pray for wisdom and opportunity in ministering to the youth and young adults in our church and community.
  • Pray for our congregation to have one mind in serving our Lord Jesus.


New Life Cambodian Christian Church

Rinn Sim- Lowell, MA

  • Please pray for our church to lead God’s mission in Lowell, MA.  Pray for our members to be strengthened by the Lord’s Spirit as they face opposing religions.  Pray for the Cambodian community to come to know Christ Jesus.
  • Pray for our pastoral ministry to be strengthened to help others grow.
  • Pray also for our search for a new location as a place to praise and worship.
  • Pray for the leadership of our church to grow in unity and in faith.


New Hampshire Korean Christian Church

Eunho Moon – Bedford, NH

  • Praise God for helping Miyounghui Moon pass her test for the new job as a mental health worker at a hospital in Concord, NH!  Please pray for her as she works to overcome language barriers and challenges with her new job.
  • Pray for the Yong Lee family who has been very sick this winter.  Pray for a complete recovery.
  • Praise God for Junghyun’s faith in Christ Jesus!  She was baptized on Jan 31st and has been continuing to grow in her faith, knowledge, and relationship with the Lord.
  • Pray for Dr. SB Lee who has been called to serve as a deacon in our church.
  • Pray for continued growth in our Compassion Ministry support.  It is important for our church to extend our giving to the poor and needs of families across the world.
  • Pray for our youth group students during this school year to be strengthened by the Lord to live like Jesus around their friends.  Pray for our Amanda and Jiwon who will be graduating from high school this June.  Pray for their growth in faith to own the gospel of Jesus and His mission as they prepare for college. 
  • Pray for our Young Adult/College age Bible study group as we study the English video series called: Focus on the Families “The Truth Project”.  Pray for our ministry during this school season to be welcoming to other students as we invite them to our studies and events.
  • Pray for Bao, a Korean American student who visited our Young Adult Bible study a couple weeks ago.
  • Pray for Preacher Moon and his encouraging pastoral ministry with our church.  Pray for his continued growth in understanding, teaching, and investing in the lives of our members.  Pray also for his time spent with studying English as a Second Language.


Oasis Christian Church (Liberian)

Christic Marblow- Providence, RI

  • Pray for continued growth of the church.
  • Pray for more assistance for our Minister, Christic Marblow, and the ministry of the church. 
  • Pray for open doors of evangelism as we reach out to our community.
  • Please pray for increased giving for all of our ministry expenses, including our rent.

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
