June 2016






Hong Kong Christian Mission

IBCC China- Wing Wong

  • Praise the Lord! Conita and I became grandparents again! Our new grandson Ashton was born on May 22 to our oldest son’s family in New York. Now we have four grandchildren: two in New York and two in Texas.
  • You probably agree that making disciples for our Lord Jesus Christ is a long and expensive process. We have been trying to nurture, train, send and support Christians in China to go and make disciples for our Lord Jesus Christ for over forty years using all available and effective means. Besides making teaching trips to China several times a year and teaching them through our Interactive Bible Correspondence Course (IBCC), I have been praying for some of them to come to our Bible colleges in America for training. Praise God for we now have two devoted Christians this year, Stacy and Fang Fang, who are coming to Boise Bible College this Fall for the four-year ministry program! Stacy had passed her TOEFL requirement last month. She is waiting for her Form I20 to arrive so she can apply for her student visa. Please pray that all will work out according to God’s will! Hopefully she can start school in Boise in the Fall! Fang Fang did not get the required TOEFL score for BBC. She is planning to take the test again after her high school final exam in June. Pray that she will not be discouraged! May God raise up more good workers for Him in China!        
  • Hannah Guan has begun working full time in our mission with the Chinese following her graduation from SNHU on May 14. She has already produced a video for Manchester Chinese Christian Church, two videos for Cross Space Networks for Christ (CSN4C), and a DVD on Bob & Carol Miller’s Healthy Marriage and Family seminar. These will be uploaded on Lifestreams and our CSN4C website for public viewing. Recently, Hannah has received her work permit from the US government. Praise the Lord!                                               
  • I am writing a Chinese workbook for helping new Christians grow in Christ after baptism. This will particularly address the issues for Chinese with ancestor and idol worship backgrounds and for those who have been educated by atheistic and communist school systems. It’s been far more difficult writing this workbook than I originally thought. No wonder I couldn’t find a similar book in the Chinese Bible book stores. Please pray that the Lord will help this weak vessel of mine to complete this for the new babes in Christ within China!                                   
  • I am leaving for China on June 7. We will be in Hong Kong, Guangdong, Sichuan, Inner Mongolia, Jiangxi, Jiangsu and Beijing for preaching, teaching, pastoring, and shoot photos and videos for several ministry and mission projects. There will be a photographer from Good News Production Int’l partnering with me on this trip. Our trip will end with a preaching seminar for the preachers in Beijing. Please keep us in your prayers!             
  • Thank God for our partners and co-workers! Without their sacrificial participations it would be difficult to do what we have been doing. Please pray that God will supply and increase their store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of their righteousness! One of our great friends and partners to the China ministry is undergoing some difficulties and has some important decisions to make. Please pray for him!




Manchester Chinese Christian Church

Brandy Lee – Manchester, NH

  • Pray for some of our members who have been Christians for a long time, but aren’t actively involved in our church. Pray for revival in their hearts to be a part of the mission and for wisdom in moving them into service.                                                                   
  • Pray for Jenny Cheung who’s had a health problem and has gotten worse recently. She will travel to visit family in China while also seeking medical help. Please pray for healing, protection, and her faith to remain strong in Him.
  • Pray for wisdom and opportunity to reach the Chinese students in our community. Several are now attending our church. Pray for our Resident Minister, Andrew Fross, who’s been building relationships with these students and connecting them with our church. Pray that trust can be built so that we will be able to minister to them.
  • Pray for our Youth Group as many of them will be transitioning into high school over the summer. Pray that they will continue to build a strong faith foundation in the Lord amidst temptations and peer pressures that come their way. Pray for our church activities with the Youth this summer and that they will invite their friends to join them.




New Life Cambodian Christian Church

Rinn Sim – Lowell, MA

  • Please pray as we work on bringing broken people to an encounter with the Lord. Pray that our prayer and Bible study groups will be able to reach the broader Cambodian community.
  • Pray for our church to increase in faith as we work to introduce the Good News to all the people within our community.
  • Pray for a new location for us to worship.
  • Please pray for our leaders to be challenged and encouraged to lead out in evangelism.




New Hampshire Korean Christian Church

Eunho Moon – Bedford, NH

  • Please pray for safety for our church members who will travel this summer.            
  • Pray for the Yong Lee family to be strengthened in their faith. They’ve had a difficult year raising three children and finding work. Pray that they will be to worship with us more regularly.
  • Please pray for the spouses of our church members who have not made a decision to follow the Lord. Many of them do not believe and some don’t attend our church. Pray that they will receive the Gospel.
  • Pray for Kei Eun Chang as he and his family serve in Korea teaching at the Seoul Christian University. Their son John recently hurt his knee so please pray for a steady recovery.     
  • Pray for Mr. Moon and his encouraging pastoral ministry with our church. He is searching for a second job to help provide for his family and to work with his ministry schedule.      
  • Pray for our church to be challenged and encouraged by the Lord to reach the broader community. Pray for us to be led by the mission and to be actively involved in evangelism. Please pray that the Lord will bring more Korean people to NH as well.
  • Pray for our Young Adult ministry this summer.  Please pray for twins, CI & CK, who will be leaving for the summer. CI will be starting boot camp with the US Army and CK will be moving to Springfield, MA for a medical school internship.
  • Pray for our Youth Group and Children’s ministry this summer.  Pray for the Lord to prepare our graduates for college. Amanda Lee and Jiwon Moon will be leaving for college at the end of the summer.  Pray that they will have a strong foundation in their faith and that they will be ambassadors for Christ on the campus.
  • Please pray for continued growth in our Compassion Ministry support. We currently have eight children sponsored and are praying for more families to join.



Oasis Christian Church (Liberian)

Christic Marblow- Providence, RI

  • Please pray for God’s deliverance and healing power for our community. Pray for our church members to find forgiveness and be forgiving.
  • Pray for our church body to have more effective ministry by following up with people they meet daily.
  • Please pray for the Lord’s provision in our summer activities and outreach.                       
  • Pray for volunteers to help teach our praise and worship team members to play instruments and also to start a choir. Pray for more committed volunteers in our children’s ministry as well as in other areas of ministry.




Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
