RHM Cross-Cultural
Prayers, Praises & Petitions

New Hampshire Korean Christian Church
Eunho Moon – Bedford, NH

  • Pray for our church to be focused on obeying God’s commands. May the Holy Spirit give us conviction to seek His way.
  • Please keep praying for our church members’ spouses who have not made a decision to follow the Lord. Many of them do not believe and some don’t attend our church. Pray more will respond to the Gospel this year.
  • Praise God the growth of our Young Adult Group! We have been adding more people and extending leadership opportunities. Pray for this multiplication of leaders and members to potentially start up more small groups.
  • Please continue to pray for Young Ju Roh who has been seeking God in both study and relationship. Pray for her as she grows in faith and for her to receive the gift of salvation through baptism.
  • Pray for our Resident Minister Andrew Fross and his approaching marriage in July. Pray for his planning and investment with our youth and young adults as they grow closer in relationship with Jesus.
  • Please pray for our Resurrection Day outreach planning. Pray for guidance and effectiveness in reaching both Korean people and our American neighbors.
  • Please pray for Ji Park and his wife Hanna Kim who are trying to have a baby after an artificial insemination procedure.
  • Pray for Daniel and Jessica who are a new Korean family settling here. They are busy raising three children while searching for jobs in the local area. Please pray for God to help them with finding a job and for their adjustment to new life here.

Manchester Chinese Christian Church
Brandy Lee – Manchester, NH

  • Easter is coming. Pray that the resurrection of the Lord will revive the faith and love of our congregation so that we will use this opportunity to bring the Good News to our neighbors.
  • Spring is coming. We will send out invitations to the community. We hope there is a way to connect the Chinese community with us. Please pray for a good response from our invitations.
  • Sister Xiao Zhen Su’s husband Kwok Kuen Tsang just had successful brain surgery.  Mr. Tsang has already gone home, but he will need to stay home for 3 to 6 months. Please pray for his recovery and the financial needs of the family, since he will not be able to work. Please also pray for the opportunity to minister to Mr. Tsang.

New Life Cambodian Christian Church
Rinn Sim – Lowell, MA

  • Please pray for New Life Church to be led and strengthened by the Holy Spirit as we share the Gospel message.
  • Pray for us as we work on daily prayer and Bible studies.
  • Pray for our outreach efforts.
  • Please pray for Kamsan & Somath for their family to have faith in Christ.
  • Pray for all our leaders to be stronger in faith.
  • Prayer for Veasna who recently had surgery.  She informed us that she would like to join our worship team as a musician.

Oasis Christian Church Liberian
Christic Marblow & Peter Sarmie – Providence, RI

  • Thank God for the faithfulness of the ministers who continue to work hard at growing the church while providing for their families in secular jobs.
  • Thank God for bringing Prince Glory Gbane, minister Peter Sarmie’s brother-in-law, from Iowa to assist the church in outreach. Pray that he can find a job in Providence to provide for his physical needs as he helps others to find spiritual life in Jesus.
  • Ask God to bless our meetings last week aimed at inspiring the congregation and reaching the lost.
  • Thank God for the leaders’ desire to train and equip the people of Oasis for ministry in the community.
  • Pray that those serving would not lose hope in well-doing

Chinese To Christ Ministry (C2C)
IBCC China – Wing Wong 

  • Praise the Lord for the successful China mission trip that I made last month!
  • Praise the Lord that I was able to bring our China team leaders and their families from Guangdong, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Beijing and Inner Mongolia to Shenzhen for meetings, studies, and fun!
  • Praise the Lord that I had received an overwhelming support from our church leaders for my new strategy for evangelism in China through “English Tour” to counteract the government policy on religion! Pray that we can arrange two tours this summer with great participation!
  • Praise the Lord that we are able to send two of our IBCC students (Jing Qian & Nikki) to Guizhou as missionaries among the minority tribe! Pray for them as they will move to Guizhou from Beijing next month!
  • We are planning to expand the service of our tutorial school in Sichuan to a 24/7 child care service to meet the needs of the people and increase our chance to evangelize the children. Please pray that we will be able to move into a bigger facility and recruit more Christian teachers and helpers
  • Please pray for the continuing education of our IBCC students to become ‘Bible college teachers’! I took some of them to visit two graduate schools of the Bible in Hong Kong. May God help us to make the wise decision to develop Bible teachers in China!
  • Our person of the month is Jing Qian. Please pray for him and his family this month as they are moving to Guizhou to evangelize, plant churches and make disciples among the Puyi tribes. He first learned about Jesus from his mother and went to church with her when he was little. However, he left the Lord when he was about 15 years old because of the communist atheistic education he received from school. In 2003 after he graduated from high school, a friend invited him to join an intensive Bible study course. Even his parents urged him to go, but he turned down the invitation because by then he did not believe in God anymore. Somehow the Lord softened his heart that night and he decided to give it a try the next morning. The one-half month Bible study changed his life. They got up to read the Bible and pray at 4 a.m. They had to finish reading 80 chapters of the Bible every day. He rededicated his life to God during that time and offered himself to God for full-time service to preach the Gospel and witness for Christ. The following year, he studied in an “underground Bible college” in Beijing and became a Bible teacher and preacher in several churches. Later, he also studied a Bible course from IBCC and met his wife Nikki in our IBCC camp. They married two years ago and have a baby boy (Charis). Nikki was our IBCC student and served in our tutorial school and churches in Sichuan as an evangelist before their marriage. Jing Qian ministered in the non-instrumental Church of Christ in Beijing for the last two years. They have accepted our challenge to pioneer the Kingdom’s work in Guizhou. The whole family will move there from Beijing next month. We are now looking for housing, making connection for them in Guizhou and setting up a supporting structure for their mission work. Your prayers are much appreciated!
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