We’re getting close to RESTORE’S six month anniversary!  I can’t believe how fast the time has flown by.  It’s been a bumpy road, but God has done some incredible things!  70 people in Quincy that didn’t previously have a church, now call Restore home.  For my wife, Christin, and I, the pre-launch time was very difficult.  We realized that we took the closeness and community of a church for granted.  When we didn’t have that anymore, we missed it!  Over the last several months there has been a shift at RESTORE.  People have taken the step from “I attend RESTORE sometimes” to “RESTORE is my church.”  It is now the family that Christin and I have longed for!  We worship together, study the bible together, share meals together, and simply do life together.


Easter was a great day for us!  We had 12 guests worship at RESTORE for the very first time!  Several guests stuck around after the service to eat lunch with us.  It was a very encouraging day!  Please continue to pray for us during this transition time as we search for a new Lead Minister.  None of this would be possible without your support, so on behalf of the RESTORE community, I want to say Thank You!


John Mueth

Associate Minister






Through our relationship with the Houghs Neck Community Center, we were invited to help out with an event they hosted called Easter Bunny Fun Day. We gathered some volunteers from RESTORE and left after church to help with the event. Each year the neighborhood of Hough’s Neck gathers together for an Easter egg hunt, crafts, and games. We were incredibly encouraged to be invited into their community and for some, it was their first time serving with RESTORE! 


Caitlin Pugh

Ministry Resident



In March we had our first group of the year from Lincoln Christian University come to work with us in Quincy. Having them here was awesome for RESTORE!


Their first project was on Friday, we had them serving hot chocolate at two different main thoroughfares in Quincy. It was a cold, rainy, and blustery day. The perfect combination to be out reaching and serving Quincy. On Saturday, we served at the Sanger Center and delivered groceries to those who are unable to leave their homes. We had ten students and faculty from LCU, and then we had another fifteen volunteers from Restore. Not only was this an incredible opportunity to serve our community, but we also had multiple church members sign themselves and their families up to become regular volunteers for the Center. Saturday afternoon and evening the team deep cleaned the church building at Woodward School for Girls. They mopped floors, waxed the woodwork throughout the building, vacuumed, dusted, and cleaned throughout the building.  Afterwards they completely set-up and readied every detail, computer, and aspect that we need and use each Sunday morning. On Sunday, the LCU team could be found throughout the church. They worked, volunteered, and covered each area which allowed our usual volunteers on Sunday morning the ability to come and truly immerse themselves in the service. For the team’s last day in Quincy, we prayer walked through the city. Each step of the way was for a purpose. It allowed them to see Quincy in a purposeful and personal way. We asked them to pray for the schools that they walked passed, the families that are here, and the community as a whole.


Each group that comes to work with us here is unique. However, each time we are able to work together to serve our city with the love of Jesus. Since this group was the first one for the 2016, it was incredible to be able to see the impact that was made in those few days.


Karli Montgomery

Ministry Resident





Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
