Respected journals merge to increase focus on urban missions

April 25th, 2014


The merger of two journals dedicated to mission work in the world’s most-populated urban centers was announced recently by the editors of both publications. New Urban World: The Journal of Urban Mission will debut as a new publication in November 2014, with Stephen Burris, a Research Missiologist with CMF, as its senior editor.

New Urban World was launched in 2012 at the first annual meeting of the International Society of Urban Mission in Bangkok. It is edited by Stephen Burris and Kendi Howells Douglas. The Journal of Urban Mission began in 2010 as an online publication, and is a collaborative effort of Kyuboem Lee, Manual Ortiz and Susan Baker, scholars and practitioners of urban mission in Philadelphia.

“This decision has been a while in the making, but the leaders of the two journals came to the conclusion that our contribution to the work of urban mission will be better done together than separately,” said Kyuboem Lee. “This merger will mean a stronger leadership, a bigger audience and a greater pool of resources.”

New Urban World emphasized its print publication, while the strength of The Journal of Urban Mission is its online presence, noted Lee.

“With the merger, the two emphases will come together, and we anticipate the merged journal to make a greater contribution and impact for the sake of God’s mission in the cities around the world,” Lee added.


Stephen Burris

Manual Ortiz will serve as the special advisor to senior editor Stephen Burris, and Kendi Howells Douglas and Kyuboem Lee are the associate editors. Other staffers include Joel Ickes as managing editor, Susan Baker as assistant editor and Aaron Woods as book review editor. The team of regional editors will be directed by Susan Baker.

The team is excited about the possibilities and potential of the new publication.

“We praise God for this opportunity,” said Lee. “We ask that you pray for us in the journey ahead and partner with us by telling others about the new journal, contributing your words and thoughts to the ongoing conversation and learning, and contributing financially to the work, so that the mission of God’s kingdom can move forward in the great urban centers around the world.”