This person would be responsible for: 1)	coordinating the collection of online information about all of the people groups of the this 10/40 Window Country 2)	recruiting research team members from the U.S.A. 3)	coordinating teams for onsight field research 4)	using the research information found: 	a.	to write prayer profiles 	b.	to assess field needs and resources 	c.	to develop strategies 	d.	to assist national evangelists 	e.	to assist individuals, churches, and/or adopting groups to know more about the people groups of this 10/40 Window Country  Requirements: .	ability to recruit individuals to join short-term teams for research .	ability to be a "learner" of different cultures .	creative .	team player who has the ability to work with others .	willingness to enroll in the local university of this 10/40 Window Country to study the culture and language .	willingness to raise personal support .	willingness to commit for at least 2 years  
If interested, please contact via email at "tom (at) disciplemakers (dot) org"