Dear Friends and Partners of CBM,


First of all, thanks so very much for your prayers and please continue to pray for Ruth Anne and our CBM Ministry.


Ruth Anne had surgery on Tuesday and we are at Michael´s  after her release from the hospital yesterday afternoon.


The surgery lasted about 4 hours.  We arrived at the hospital at 5:30 am and didn´t see her again until after 2:00 pm.


They cleaned out and replaced 3 disks in her upper spinal column near her neck.  They took the bone tissue from her hip for the 3 disks.


She goes back next Thursday for a check-up before returning to Brazil. 


I (Earl) am returning Saturday to Brazil, going directly to Manaus and then to São Sebastião to meet up with the boat and the January team. 


Kim, our daughter, is leading this trip with the excellent help from our Brazilian crew and team.


I will return to Goiânia on Saturday, January 31,  after the trip.  


If Ruth Anne recovers well she will return to Goiânia on February 4.  Our plans are to return to the U.S. in April when she will have surgery on her lower back.


God has blessed us and Ruth Anne during this time  because of your prayers.


And would you please continue praying for her and our CBM Ministry.


With much L O V E,