Lord willing, I’m planning on doing the

Evangelism Training in Berlin, Germany

in August.

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Above is a copy of the cover of the new Japanese version of “It’s All About Relationship.”

Thanks go to Nathan Holt (Of Team Expansion) and Warren Christianson (A veteran missionary in Japan) and a few others for helping put this together.  
                                          We now have the IAAR in:

Spanish, and 

And soon to be ready in 
Chinese and 
and more to come after that.

Our GOAL is 8 languages this year.  We are on the way.  
Nathan Holt at Team Expansion
is the Graphics Man on all of these.  It is a time consuming job.  We are helping him out with some funding in this.  
Thanks to all who have contributed to this.

If you would like to give support to this project send it to 

P.O. Box 21245
El Cajon, CA  92021

Designate it: Translation work.


This is my next book due out real soon. It will be on Kindle and then available as hard copy too.  It gets to the heart of what we aren’t doing in most of our churches.  
Many times I have shared the findings of the Southern Baptists.  A couple years ago they were interviewed about their decline in membership.  Among other things they said;:
1.  We have lost our passion for evangelism!
 (And I thought ‘You aren’t alone on that one.’)
2.  Everyone loves talking about evangelism as long as someone else is doing it.
(And I thought, ‘You aren’t alone on that one either.’)
3.  Our preachers are not training their people how to share the Good News with the people they know.  
(And I thought “Bingo”. You certainly aren’t alone on that one either.’)

 I have added a number 4 to the list.  It applies to MANY of our churches.
4.  We have re-defined evangelism.  It is NOW, “Going, being nice, sharing our story AND Inviting someone to church or an event, etc. Then the ‘up front’ people can tell them about Jesus.

While some obviously get some results by doing that, it is FAR from what we are commanded to do in the N.T.  That is so limiting and it IS NOT how it was done in the N.T. and not how we are commanded to get it done today. It is the EASY way out but it is incredibly time consuming and very expensive in most cases to say nothing of not being very effective with the greater portion of those we need to reach for Jesus.

So what are we going to do about it.
First we have to acknowledge the reality of what we are doing and not doing.
Then we have to fix it.

I address this whole issue and hit it hard. Some won’t like what I’ve written. But we must change the situation we are in.

I’m teaching my second On-Line Relational Evangelism course through HIU right now. It is going well.  This is fun.
There is a recently formed Coalition of 20 of our Christian Colleges’ On-Line programs.   HIU is a major player in it.  

The oversight team recently decided to make my Relational Evangelism Course THE evangelism course for the Coalition. That is a major and a significant decision. Lord willing we will start offering the course through the Colleges in August.

Also IN SEPTEMBER I will start teaching how to use the “It’s All About Relationship” in the Crossmont Bible Institute in Fullerton.  It is an Institute dedicated to training, educating and equipping Hispanic Church servants/workers.  

They have made this a REQUIRED 30 hour course for all who graduate from the Institute.  Fernando Soto is the new Director for the Institute serving the Southern California area Hispanic works.
Hats off to Fernando and his team for making this decision.


Copyright © 2014 John Hendee, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

John Hendee

469 Harbison Cyn Rd

El Cajon, CA 92019