Dear fellow laborers in God’s World Wide Harvest Field,

Greetings from hot and dry Pereira!

Unusual Summer For Pereira
Of course, hot and dry are relative terms, depending much on the context.  In the context of Colombia’s Coffee Country temperatures of around 90* Fahrenheit and only occasional light sprinkles equals hot and dry.  In fact we’ve actually had to water the plants in front of the house, something VERY rare in an area more used to daily rainfall and cooler temperatures.

Ripple Effect
But looking at things from another perspective, July was a blessed, busy month.  We started off with a baptism on the first Sunday of the month! Oscar and Angelica (now living in Bogotá) helped us bring Luis and Diana to Christ.  Luis and Diana helped us bring their older son, Daniel, to Christ.  And now Daniel helped to bring Sharon to Christ!  We rejoice to see God’s people doing God’s work in their everyday lives.

Leadership Discipleship
Also in July we started our Tuesday leadership meals once more.  It had been a long time since we’d done so and it was good to get started again.  Several of our people join us for lunch and Bible study on Tuesdays as we talk about what it means to be Christians and to be active in the church in ways which allow us to use the gifts that God has given each of us.

Couples’ Count
The couples’ ministry is going strong and we started a new study which will take us through the rest of the year about the differences in the needs of men and women in marriage and how to build a strong relationship.  It has been good to see some of our people becoming more active in this area and helping with ideas and planning and organizing and executing the plans – as well as pitching in for teaching certain classes.  Part of the plan is to celebrate the end of the study right before the end of year holiday season begins.

Through The Andes – pics
In the bustle of ministry and life sometimes the website gets neglected.  Well, this month it finally got a much needed update and there’s a new picture post for those who’d like to see some of the country where we minister.  Drop over to and take a look at some pictures taken over the years on trips through and along the eastern, central and western ranges of the Andes mountains. 

Youth – the future of the church
Building on the enthusiasm from the youth camp, we started up a monthly youth night.  The first meeting as enthusiastically received and plans are going forward as we look for ways to help the youth integrate and grow together in Christ.   Laura has returned home to Ibagué and is enrolled in a school there for the second semester of the year.  By all accounts things are going well for her.  We praise God for the chance to have her with us and to help her grow in Christ.

Thank you for your love and support, for making it possible for us to live and work here in Pereira.  Thank you for being a part of the work that Christ is doing here.

In Christ,

Paul and Sheri Moreland