Greetings from Pereira!

January has been quite busy so far and we’d like to share a couple of items with you. Thank you for being  a part of our prayer team and for lifting us and our work here before the Lord.

On January 5 we had our first baptism of the year.  María Piedad is the mother of one of our young men in the church.  We’ve been evangelizing her for almost 12 years now.  Last Sunday she stepped forward to accept Jesus the Christ as her Lord and Savior and was baptized.  Please pray with us as she begins this new life, that we will be able to help her to grow strong in the Lord and to always point her towards Him.

On January 6 we received a phone call from one of the men who used to be a member here.  He and his wife and children moved to Bogotá a few years ago, but they come back for holidays sometimes because their extended family mostly reside here.  One of Oscar’s brothers, Hugo, passed awayon Monday morning.  He had been fighting cancer for almost two years, but the tumor in his brain finally shut his body down.  We were able to join them at the wake and at the funeral the next day.  They come from a large family (12 siblings before Hugo passed on) and Oscar is the only biblical Christian.  One of his brothers is a well known priest and the local bishop of the Roman Catholic church was present at the funeral.  We were able to make contact with various people that we’d not seen in quite a while.  We’d appreciate prayers for the family as they mourn and for us as we minister to those who are open to the Gospel.

We just received news that Molly Johnson, long time missionary in Taiwan alongside her husband Chuck and mother to some of our college contemporaries, has been placed in hospice care there in Taiwan. Her children are trying to get over there and I know this is a shock to everyone in the family.  We don’t know many of the details but know that they can use a lot of prayer at this time.

Thank you for praying with us and for us as we continue to serve the Lord here in Pereira.

In Christ,

Paul and Sheri Moreland