In August, I was personally able to visit and work with PNHIs team in both Ecuador and Peru again. Steve Palich and Garry Brock from CMF International joined me and helped make this an excellent trip. We joined in with the missionaries as they worked within eight different barrios during this trip. Both teams work with adults and youth 6-days every week in multiple barrios meeting new people and deepening existing relationships. Read more
Ecuador & Peru ~ Mike & Dani
Lives Transforming – One Person at a Time Ecuador Emma was walking home from church with two other missionaries. Emma lives across the street from the local cemetery. As they were getting closer to the cemetery they noticed four men in the entrance way holding onto a rope. Since it was dark they thought it was tied to an animal. As they approached they saw a young man beaten and bloody crouched on the ground. Emma grabbed the hand of her friend Deysi and started running towards the men. Read more