The goal of Project New Hope is to give hope to the suffering, socially abandoned, economically trapped and spiritually seeking in Santo Domingo, Ecuador, and Trujillo, Peru. PNH works with nationals in the communities, establishing churches to empower the poor to experience personal and community transformation, using the key strategies of Community Health Evangelism (CHE) and Bible storytelling.

Here are two stories of men of God – one in Ecuador and another in Peru – making new disciples.


GabrielGabriel is a man who is passionate for God and it shows in his everyday life. He was the instrument that God used to bring the Gospel to his family. His parents, two sisters, two brothers-in-law and nephew also gave their lives to Christ and were baptized. He is also spreading the Gospel to his community with the goal of making disciples.  

One day a friend from his past knocked on the door of his home. His friend told him that he was still using drugs and wanted to talk with Gabriel, but first needed something to eat. Gabriel invited him in and they ate together. While they were eating, Gabriel told him about God and his creation. He also expressed that God had a plan for him and that God did not want him to be in this situation. He said that God has prepared something wonderful for him and it was time to choose. His friend said that he came to talk about something else and did not imagine talking about what they were talking about. But his friend said he was surprised that Gabriel invited him in when he was dressed so badly, with no shoes and ripped pants. After they said their goodbyes, Gabriel prayed and praised God for giving him this opportunity to plant a seed! Gabriel is a disciple who is discipling others so they also can have the same hope that he has in Christ! 


WillyWily has been in the church in Peru for more than seven years and is an incredible disciple of Jesus. Before he got to know Christ as his Lord and Savior he was a Jehovah Witness, but through the Peace Treaty he learned who Jesus really is and started to read and study his Bible. 

Wily first started helping the church with kids programs by performing as a clown. After a few months he learned that his spiritual gift was evangelism, and he started using his gift and bringing a lot of young people to Jesus. His life changed and he started showing Christ’s love in his home and his mom and younger brother also accepted Christ and were baptized. But his dad and other brother’s hearts were hardened to Christ; they didn’t want anything to do with Him. Wily says, “Satan is stubborn, but I am more stubborn!” He never gave up the fight and got on his knees and put his petition before the Lord. He knew that someday his dad and brother would accept Christ. After seven years of prayer, God answered Wily, and his dad and brother (Jhonny) accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and were baptized in March 2016! 

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?  And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?  And how can they preach unless they are sent?  As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” — Romans 10:14-15


  • Receiving donations for the earthquake victims so houses can be built for them. (Ecuador)
  • Making disciples in Ecuador and Peru.
  • Working in new barrios in Ecuador.


Prayer Requests

  • Mission team coming in this week; pray for safe travels and a God-centered trip. (Ecuador)
  • That the church in Ecuador and Peru will keep growing spiritually and keep putting their faith into action.
  • That we can raise money for the before- and after-school program that we just started in Ecuador. 
  • For couples in Ecuador and Peru who will set the example in their communities and get married. 

Thanks for all your prayers and support!
Mike and Danell Bukta



Project New Hope + CMF

CMF and Project New Hope are part of an exciting partnership with Team Expansion missionaries Mike and Dani Bukta and their work in Peru and Ecuador. Through this partnership we will work together toward holistic mission where disciples are made, individual lives are transformed, and nationals are empowered to lead. U.S. churches will be challenged to actively partner in this ministry with the goal of creating dynamic Christ-centered communities (churches) that can transform the world.

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