The goal of Project New Hope is to give hope to the suffering, socially abandoned, economically trapped and spiritually seeking in Santo Domingo, Ecuador, and Trujillo, Peru. PNH works with nationals in the communities, establishing churches to empower the poor to experience personal and community transformation, using the key strategies of Community Health Evangelism (CHE) and Bible storytelling.


Salustina’s journey

Salustina is 39 years old and the mother of three children. She had a dysfunctional childhood, with a lot of family violence in her chaotic home. Her mother died when she was very young, so Salustina had to work to pay for her own studies as well as help support the family. At 17, she became pregnant and went to live with her boyfriend, despite her father’s opposition. Soon her boyfriend became very aggressive and began drinking, spending his paycheck on alcohol. He became psychologically abusive, and she passively allowed him to treat her that way because she was afraid that he would leave her and their daughter, and she had no one to take care of them.
After three years she had another child, a son. Her partner had always wanted a son and favored him. He didn’t allow Salustina to return to work.

Later she learned of her partner’s infidelity with a neighbor, but when she confronted him, he became abusive and denied it. After having her third child, she took classes and received a certificate as a cosmetologist and worked from her home. For many years they all lived together, but not in peace.

A year ago one of her sons died, a victim of a shooting. When we met Salustina she was depressed, suicidal and hopeless. We were able to share the Peace Treaty and God’s love with her. Please pray for salvation for her and her family.

A life transformed

Here is a story from Willy about the transformation of his close friend Manuel, who is now his brother in Christ:

Before Manuel knew Christ, he had a very impulsive personality, and was often rude and disrespectful to others. He hung out with my brothers and they would drink a lot and get into trouble in the neighborhood. They all made a lot of bad decisions. Years passed and Project New Hope started getting a bunch of youth together at the church they started. A lot of the neighborhood youth started going, including Manuel and me. We both learned a lot about the Bible and who Jesus is. After several months, Manuel made the decision to repent and be baptized. He participated in several church activities and became a good role model for others. He understood how it meant to serve God and not man and became the leader in the youth group.  

God gradually changed Manuel’s anger into joy, his impulsive behavior to patience, and he became humble and now shows respect to others. The blessings fell on him because he seeks the Kingdom of God first. He still has trials and sufferings but God taught him to pray and ask for help in His name. He is firm in what he believes and is now a witness of what God promises.

Manuel is one of my best friends and he is an example of how God can transform you. I am blessed to be a witness to this!



One of the reasons why we bought a farm in Ecuador is to give people an opportunity to make a living and support their families. We have offered people in Santa Martha and Cheguevara training in operating micro-businesses. We plan to raise pigs on the farm, and the people who have completed the training and want to have their own businesses selling pigs will work with us. They will receive pigs at a lower cost than the market price, and the pigs will be treated and fed well to provide a better quality meat. They will then be able to sell the pigs at a higher price to receive a higher profit. 

To participate in this program, each individual must complete a 40-lesson training in micro-business. We will be with them throughout the process to help them be successful. People are very excited about this program because it is very hard to find work in Santo Domingo. Most of the people we work with do not have a high school education; in fact, most of them do not know how to read or write. Companies will not hire a person if they haven’t finished high school and are over the age of 26.

Here are some things that people in the program say about the training:

“Training is good to do so you can learn more and apply it to your business.” Wilson, age 40

“I want to sell pigs because I can sell them fast because people want them.  I also want to work to support my family.” Jesus, age 54

“I want to do something in my life.” Angela, age 49

“I need to work so we can eat!” Beatriz, age 58

“I want to do this for the future of my kids, so that they will be able to get an education.” Doris, age 35

“To better my family by being able to provide for them and they can have a better future.” Emma, age 40

“I am grateful for this opportunity. This is going to change not only my life but the life of my family.” Maria, age 34

“I am a widow with no resources, so I need to work to survive and provide for my grandchildren, whom I raise.” Angelita, age 47

“I am a single father of three children, and I need to provide for them emotionally, physically and spiritually. This will help me to be able to provide for their physical needs.” Gabriel, age 34

“I work when I can find work. I have dreams that need to be fulfilled.” Lider, age 33 

Angela Araminta Cagua.

Beatriz Manobanda and son Kevin.

Emma and her daughter Thalia.

Doris and her family.

Gabriel and some of his family.


  • Lots of interest in starting micro-businesses.
  • Skylar is adapting well to college life; we’re so proud of her.
  • A men’s group is forming in Santa Martha, Ecuador.
  • New believers are being discipled. 

Prayer Requests

  • Raising money for micro-businesses and the farm.
  • For Neftali and Deysi, who are leading the work in Peru.
  • For the progress of the farm.
  • Making disciples who make disciples in Peru and Ecuador.
  • Starting work in new barrios: that God will touch the hearts of the people and that it will be very clear which barrios to start in.
  • Preparing for our trip to the U.S. in November.
Thanks for all your prayers and support.

Mike and Danell Bukta
Team Expansion missionaries to Peru and Ecuador


Project New Hope + CMF

CMF and Project New Hope are part of an exciting partnership with Team Expansion missionaries Mike and Dani Bukta and their work in Peru and Ecuador. Through this partnership we will work together toward holistic mission where disciples are made, individual lives are transformed, and nationals are empowered to lead. U.S. churches will be challenged to actively partner in this ministry with the goal of creating dynamic Christ-centered communities (churches) that can transform the world.

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